
20 Minutes A Day Is All You Need: Sumaya Dalmia

When most women are asked what it means to be healthy, they normally respond with muscular ability, flexibility, and body composition. Although these aspects are a critical part of being healthy, they are not the only contributing factors. Physical health is only one aspect of our overall health.

Ones social, mental, emotional and spiritual health are equally important.

We are constantly challenged with balancing each of these areas throughout life. Despite busy schedules and the day to day challenges of life, today there are many women working towards maximizing their level of health and wellness. There is an awareness and heightened desire to live a long, full, and healthy life. The key pursuit of health, personal growth, and improved quality of life relies on living a balanced life. To achieve this balance, we need to care for our mind, body, and spirit in tandem.

We will not be at our optimal level of health, if any of these three areas is consistently lacking or forgotten about.

In conversation with BW BusinessWorld, Sumaya Dalmia, Celebrity Trainer and pioneer in the health and Fitness industry for over a decade, shared her views and tips on wellness for women.

“The phases of womanhood in the lifespan of a woman have increased. Long gone are the days when we were just expected to have children that would be the last phase ( motherhood). As women, we have realised that it is equally important to take out time for ourselves for whatever that might be. Preventive health has become the top priority for both men and women. Women have realised that both physical and mental health are important to adorn all hats of a woman be it a wife, an efficient mother etc.

We have all realised that self-worth is such an important aspect of feeling well and content, hence you see more and more women looking after themselves- going to the gym, wearing flattering clothes.. that in turn is also keeping them in happy marriages. Women have become wary of the pre-onset of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, hormonal issues etc. We have all started to pay attention on what we eat, we have stopped eating leftovers of our kids plates “just because food can’t go waste!

Wellness is both mental and physical, it’s a feeling of wellbeing inside out. I have also seen more women leaning toward spirituality to find a sense of balance and calm. To change one's perspective toward life and think positive.”

Some tips to wellness by Sumaya:

1. Take out some time for yourself during the day and stop feeling guilty about it.

2. Take out time to exercise at least 4 times a week.

3. Pay attention to your nutrition and stop following fad diets in an attempt to lose weight quickly. Being fit is in…Not being Thin!

4. Learn NOT to pay attention to what others think and go with your gut.

5. Spend quality time with the children and stop feeling guilty for the time that you have not.

6. Master the art of time management .. like if you don’t have time to go to the gym download some At-Home workout videos. 20 mins a day is all you need.

7. Medical science has advanced so much make use of it. Test yourself regularly to prevent any onset of disease.

8. Spend 10 mins a day reflecting on all that you have achieved and are grateful for in your life.

"Stay Happy and Stay Well"

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