Water: The Supreme Nurturer

Menaka Deorah has given the best reason to call water a lifeline, as water was the element that created conditions for life to be born on the planet

One can live without food for days but living without water even for an hour is the hardest to imagine. It is the supreme nurturer and elixir of life, but how does water play a role in maintaining one’s well-being, has been defined by Menaka Deorah, Founder, Lamère Life and Optimal Living Solutions. She clearly described that besides considering water just as a source of life, it is a vital element that sustains life and vitality. She pointed out that while we choose many healthy options, how we can forget water?

She added, “If hydration is the key to every problem, why don't we ask ourselves if we should just need to be hydrated or should we ask what kind of water are we drinking?” Deorah has also given the best reason to call water a lifeline, as water was the element that created conditions for life to be born on the planet. She also raised the concern of water getting contaminated day by day due to industrial activities and pesticides used in farming.

Deorah said that as we need sunlight and exposure to breathing, water is also required to feel and be exposed to the outer environment, in order to provide us the necessary nutrition we need.

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