Key To Wellness Through Mindfulness

Embracing mindfulness holistic health Guru and corporate life coach, Dr. Mickey Mehta spoke at a recent summit about the importance of a balanced and fulfilled life

Dr. Mickey Mehta, is a distinguished figure renowned for his expertise in holistic wellness and spiritual coaching. With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Mehta delved into the transformative power of mindfulness in everyday life. His presence ignited anticipation for an enlightening discourse on cultivating present-moment awareness and enhancing overall wellbeing.

Dr. Mehta dived into the essence of mindfulness, contrasting it with mindlessness, drawn from ancient wisdom and modern science to illuminate the path to a balanced and fulfilled life. He spoke of the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit, emphasising the importance of present-moment awareness and the cultivation of inner peace. Drawing from diverse sources ranging from ancient Vedas to modern physics, Dr. Mehta painted a vivid picture of human potential and the boundless possibilities that lie within each individual.

Personal transformation

Throughout his speech, Dr Mehta shared inspiring stories of transformation, illustrating how simple yet profound practices like yoga, meditation and holistic living can lead to remarkable healing and personal growth.

Dr Mehta's message went beyond personal transformation; it was a call to action, a rallying cry for a wellness revolution. He challenged the audience to embrace wellness as a religion, to uplift themselves and others, and to awaken to the purpose of their lives. With his ten commandments of wellness, he laid out a blueprint for a life of vitality, compassion and fulfilment. As his address was ending, Dr. Mehta left the audience energised and inspired. The BW Wellbeing Summit & Awards 2024 turned out to be a celebration of the human spirit and a testament to the power of mindfulness in shaping a brighter, healthier future for all.


Rajany Pradhan

BW Reporters The author is Principal Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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