The Difference Between Looking Healthy & Feeling Healthy

Devdutt Pattanaik, author and speaker has always shed light on the positive aspects of the Hindu religion and its multiple stories, linking it with the different dimensions of human lives

We become what we eat and we achieve what we dream. The surroundings in which we are born and grow up play a pivotal role in shaping our personalities and stimulating our minds and souls for the betterment of our future.

Recently, Devdutt Pattanaik spoke about the modern method of considering people healthy on some tangible parameters. He said that a person who is dressed up, fit and has money is not necessarily a healthy person, as what he feels within makes him healthy. He also referred to the importance of storytelling in bringing the best out of one’s inner self which he/she have been listening to since childhood.

He narrated a Hindu religious story in which Kubera was showing off his money to Shiva, and Chamunda (one of the forms of Parvati) plucked his eye and replaced the other one with gold, the story gives a moral that money cannot do everything. Patnaik took the reference of Gods and Goddesses of the Hindu religion and said every kind of body exists, as goddesses around the country love meat and alcohol suggesting there is no universal diet, to eat what you love. Pattanaik is known to put forward a unique perception of looking at Hindu religion and scriptures.

He highlighted the storytelling of the Hindu religion and defined the diversity of lives that exist in the world; different bodies, diets, lifestyles, etc. At the 3rd edition of BW Festival of Wellbeing Awards & Summit, Patnaik efficiently deciphered the meaning of life as per the scriptures, saying it is ‘hunger’. He said that life starts with hunger and should end with contentment, if one wants to be content in life one should be aware of people’s hunger.

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