Exploring Practical Karma Strategies For Balanced Living

Recently a panel discussion about practical applications of karma, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices for balanced living, was conducted

Exploring insights from renowned numerologists, wellness practitioners and mental well-being coaches, the panel was moderated by Nivedita Shreyans, Director of Youth Programs and PR, Heartfulness Institute and Pillai Group of Institutions.

Exploring change

Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Founder, NumroVani, said, “When I reflect on my journey, transitioning my side hustle into a full-time profession was a pivotal moment. As a founder or CEO, it's easy to get caught up in the conventional aspects of business, but for me, it was essential that the vision of happiness I had wasn't just an abstract idea but something tangible within our organisation. That is why I pioneered the role of Chief Happiness Officer, ensuring that the pursuit of happiness wasn't merely a directive but a lived experience within our company.”

He said that his background as a strategic consultant shaped his understanding of the importance of weaving together various elements to create something profound. “I have delved into the realms of ancient wisdom and occult sciences, leveraging astrology, numerology and more to personalise our offerings. It is not just about demographics; it is about catering to the mind, body, and soul of each individual,” he added.

He went on to say that, “Our approach revolves around three pillars: proactive, personalised and preventive. We curate a diverse range of lifestyle products and services to empower individuals on their journey. The culmination of our efforts is the Life Accelerator Program, inspired by the nurturing embrace of a mother's lap. It symbolises the level of care and support we aspire to provide to everyone we touch.”

The significance of numerology

Pracchi P Mehta, Tarot Card Reader, Astro Numerologist & Name Spelling Correction Expert said, “I have always had a passion for writing, and the number 24 has a special significance to me because, 2 + 4 equals 6, which corresponds to the planet Venus. And today, being the 15 of May, also aligns with Venus, symbolising luxury, love and material comforts. Reflecting on my journey, I graduated with a master’s degree in counselling psychology many years ago, but life took me in a different direction, particularly into the world of radio.”

She mentioned that, “I had the privilege of working with the late Amin Sayani, who mentored me in voiceovers and corporate events. Despite the glamour and fast-paced life in the media, I felt a void, a longing to give back more meaningfully. This feeling intensified after becoming a mother. Returning to work after my daughter was born made me reassess my path.” Amid personal, emotional and financial challenges, she found solace in her deck of tarot cards, which she had since the age of 20 years. “Through prayer and following Buddhism, I sought work that would bring beauty, benefit, and good to my life and others. My journey led me to mentors and opportunities that aligned with my values. I have delved into tarot, astrology, and the concept of karma, understanding how our thoughts, words, and actions shape our destiny. It has been a profound realisation that we are not just passive recipients of fate but active creators of our lives through the choices we make,” she added.

Gautham Azad, Celebrity Numerologist said, “I started my journey into numerology with a clear goal: I wanted fame. So, I began by consulting with renowned individuals and delved into numerology despite lacking any prior experience. I firmly believe that guiding others requires wisdom, knowledge, and intellect, and I'm passionate about sharing the insights I've gained.” He also said that in his consultations, whether with corporate professionals or individuals seeking guidance, he prioritises in listening patiently to their frustrations. “I have noticed a prevalent issue in numerology practices — the disproportionate remedies prescribed to individuals based on their assets. I firmly advocate for tailoring guidance to fit each person's unique aspirations and circumstances.”

Numerology, to him, is a straightforward science. By observing patterns in numbers and colours, he has witnessed its influence first hand. For instance, he recently noted the predominance of females in a room, connecting it to the number six, which symbolises Venus, luxury, and glamour.

He also said that, “My credibility matters greatly to me, especially given my engineering background. That's why I always stress the importance of guiding others responsibly and playing it safe, especially when making predictions. Despite a rare misstep in a past World Cup prediction, I have maintained a high accuracy rate, particularly in events like the IPL. But I always approach predictions cautiously, prioritising accuracy over risk-taking.”

The importance of good mental health

Shruti Seth, Actor and Mental Wellness Coach, said, “My journey into mental well-being began after I had my daughter. I felt there were aspects of myself that needed attention and parts of me that could be improved and refined. I realised a lot of my behaviours were inherited from my parents, as children often mirror what they see. I embarked on a journey of self-inquiry, wanting to meet myself beyond the societal blueprint that had been laid out for me since childhood. Consumerism's promise of perpetual happiness through material possessions never quite sat right with me. The pandemic intensified this questioning. I started therapy and delved into courses like "The Science of Well-Being" from Yale University, which sparked a deep curiosity in me.” She also went on to mention that, “From there, I pursued counselling, Buddhist psychology, and eventually a postgraduate diploma in arts-based therapy, leveraging my background in performing arts. My final project focused on using arts-based therapy to enhance focus and mindfulness.”

This journey led her to become a trained teacher in mindfulness meditation. Hence, now she is embracing wellness practices alongside her acting career. “I want to make it clear: I am not retiring from acting; I am just expanding my horizons,” she signed off.

Tanushri Singh, Wellness Practitioner and Healer, said, “10 years ago, I was in a coma, and within three months, I recovered, thanks to the grace of the Universe and the Almighty. However, the recovery wasn't easy because I suffered from brain necrosis, which meant I had to relearn everything I had previously known. Before the coma, I had spent a decade working in marketing and advertising and communications. But after my recovery, I made a conscious decision not to return to corporate life. Instead, I welcomed wellness into my life, both for myself and for others. I left behind the corporate world and ventured into the field of wellness. It's been an incredible journey since then. I've become a guest healer at various retreats like Shorind Asam Retreat and Unity Pavilion, as well as the Quiet Healing Centre. I have had the privilege of touching many lives and sharing insights on wellness.” Her recovery journey wasn't easy, given the brain necrosis, but it inspired her to delve deeper into holistic practices. Today, she teaches Access Communications, Access Bars, Access Consciousness, mindfulness, meditation and sound healing.

“Access Bars, in particular, have been transformative. These 32 points on your head store thoughts, emotions, beliefs and fears, and when you receive a Bars session, you experience a profound shift in your life, both mentally and physically. Running Bars slows down brain waves and shifts behavioural patterns and belief systems for the better. It brings about deep relaxation, improved sleep, mental clarity, and enhanced problem-solving abilities. Access Bars are even known to alleviate issues like panic attacks, extreme anxiety, and, in some cases, support recovery from illnesses like cancer<” she added.

She also stated that, “It is amazing to see how Access Consciousness has spread globally, with thousands of wellness experts practising in 171 countries. It's truly staggering to think about the impact we are making across the world.”

The law of Karma

Acharya Pravin Chauhan, Astrologer, Palmist, Oculist and Author said, “In Karmic astrology, I firmly believe that the positions of planets in our horoscope reflect our karmic balance. It is all about the consequences of our past actions, whether they're good or bad, which we must embrace as our destiny. Take Saturn, for instance—it serves as the judge of our karma across time, whether it is from our past, present or future. Then there's Ketu, symbolising our past life's karmic equilibrium. Whenever life throws challenges at us, I attribute them to our karma. It's essential to realise that we play a significant role as co-creators of our own destiny. When things get tough, I remind myself to think positively and act accordingly. It's all about attracting positive karma to balance out the negative. Vedic astrology offers numerous remedies for karmic balance, but at its core, it is about maintaining a positive mind set and taking positive actions. By doing so, we can overcome obstacles and attract positive karma into our lives.”

Vridha Bhatt, Mental Wellbeing Coach, said, “I started my wellness journey as a physical fitness coach back in 1996. At that time, I was probably one of the first female fitness coaches in the country. But early on, I realised that the mind plays a crucial role in our journey. It can propel us to great heights of success or drag us down to ruin. So, in the early 2000s, I began delving into the study of the mind. Back then, when I would talk about the power of manifestation, many would dismiss it as rubbish. But today, we all recognise its significance. Whether it is working with Bollywood celebrities or corporate executives, I've noticed a common trait among achievers: a powerful mind set. This mind set comprises clarity, willpower, discipline, focus, and patience.” According to her, achievers understand that success doesn't happen overnight. They know how to handle both success and failure gracefully. These qualities, she believes, set them apart from those who struggle to make it.

Shubhangi Tiwari, Singer and Composer, said, “I believe that karma isn't purely deterministic; it can be transcended through wisdom and self-realisation. Drawing from teachings like those found in the Bhagavad Gita and the works of Paramhansa Yogananda, I suggest that understanding our true nature and breaking free from societal constraints can help us transcend karma's bounds. I stress the importance of expanding consciousness beyond societal norms and finding our true selves.”


Mayank Badhwar

BW Reporters The reporter works as Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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