Parenting For Wellbeing: A Journey Of Self-Discovery & Growth

Nakuul & Jankee Mehta, an actor and vocalist couple, in conversation with Anjali G. Kothari, discussed how parenting fosters wellbeing for both children and adults

Talking to Anjali G. Kothari – a relationship coach, Nakuul and Jankee, a couple gracefully navigating the enchanting journey of parenting their three-year-old son Sufi, shared profound insights and timeless wisdom. Nakul stated that, “Parenting is akin to a spiritual awakening of oneself, an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth.” Jankee, added, “Indeed, it is a beautiful opportunity for personal growth, where each day presents new lessons and experiences.” Their words resonated deeply, touching upon the fundamental importance of emotional well-being and familial relationships in shaping not just the present, but the future as well.

As the conversation unfolded, they delved into the nuances of parenthood, from breaking stereotypes to fostering resilience in the face of challenges. Laughter mingled with moments of introspection as they emphasised the paramount significance of being fully present in their child's life, cherishing each precious moment.

Amidst discussions of balancing work and family life, they underscored the profound joy derived from nurturing their son and being actively engaged in his upbringing. Through their stories and shared experiences, Nakuul and Jankee served as beacons of inspiration, reminding all present that parenting is a journey defined by love, resilience and unwavering commitment.


Mayank Badhwar

BW Reporters The reporter works as Senior Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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