
5 Reasons To Set A Morning Routine

If your endeavour is to be sharper and more successful at what you do, start with giving yourself 30 mins every morning.

Those 30 minutes will go a long way to build an uplifting habit, you will see the differences in a month.

1.    Your life will change if you build a morning cornerstone habit
Just by including one new positive practice in your morning routine you will see a massive shift in your being.

Most of us are going about rudderless, with no real plan or agenda in life. Just going through the motions.

Think about your normal routine. Do you find you are typically in a hurry, do you feel tired, or feel like your day always starts off poorly? This is how most people typically start their day.
Something as little as listening to a podcast a day, waking up 30 minutes earlier to read a book, exercising for 30 minutes, meditating, whatever brings you peace of mind will make an exponential impact.

2. By establishing a morning routine, you will set a positive tone for the day. 
The time that you allocate to your morning routine should be your selfish time. This is the time you spend on improving yourself.

Waking up before everyone else, you will find you are free of distractions. If you take out this time, you will be able to focus more on the important people in your life when they wake up.

3. Setting a morning routine will Increase Your ‘Aha’ Moments

When you are actually day dreaming or allowing your mind to wander, you are in the default mode network (DMN).
If you set time aside in the morning to indulge in activities that help you relax, like meditation or going for a long run, you will allow your brain to operate on autopilot, in default mode, which will help increase your creativity and the epiphanies that you have.

At times like this, our mind is restful, ideas just seem to just pop into our mind.

4. It will Kickstart Your Brain and Metabolism
By waking up early, exercising, taking a cold shower, drinking a large glass of water, you will find that your brain and metabolism will function at a higher level.

Just as our brain is malleable, our metabolism is as well.
According to research, your metabolism isn’t fixed. You can significantly impact your metabolism with your daily activity and diet.

5. Exercising in the morning prepares the brain for optimal learning. Exercise is strongly correlated with increased brain mass, improved cognition, and new brain cell production. Neurogenesis is sparked by a magical substance known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Aerobic exercise is the optimal vehicle for the production of this.

Human mind takes nearly 21 days to adjust to major life changes. So be fearless, Commit for 21 days and see what happens!

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