5 Things To Do To Boost Your Wellbeing In Nature This Winter

In winter many of us feel low and uncomfortable because of the cold weather, the lack of sun and sunshine or signs of life around. Thus, it becomes important to pay a little more attention to our wellbeing. We must understand that for true wellbeing, we must go beyond the well-being of the body and the mind, beyond the material world to spirituality. And one way to do this is to turn to nature, which in itself is a manifestation of the Supreme Immortal Power we call God. 

There are many ways we can boost our wellness in nature this winter: 

1. First of all, we must spend time outside and be active. We can dress appropriately and walk outside or engage in other activities like gardening or other winter activities and sports depending on where we live. Physical activity energides us and makes us feel happy. Remember the body is like a temple in which resides our Lord. We must take care of it.  

2. We can also try to bring in nature into our homes by having more plants and flowers inside. Greenery inside homes is not only pleasing but helps us relax, de-stresses us and improves our moods. This will help us mentally and emotionally. 

3. We must connect with nature — not merely by spending time outside but by treasuring and enjoying the sheer beauty of winter. Certain flowers bloom better in lower temperatures. Even barren trees are beautiful. In parts where it snows, it’s like a wonderland. Enjoy the beauty of nature that we have been gifted with. Make the most of it. We have a choice. We can choose to be happy, no matter what, by making the best of what we have, by accepting things and surrendering to the Divine. Each season is breath-taking. Unfortunately, most of us are too lost in this material world, too busy making money to make the most of what each season brings. 

4. Not only must we enjoy the beauty but also contemplate and reflect on it. The truth is that nature is not just a creation of God but a manifestation of God. We have to go beyond experiencing the Divine in nature to realising that everything is beautiful because of the presence of God. The wind that blows, the river that flows, the sun that glows — everything is Divine energy. The power of SIP exists in every molecule of matter. Each snowflake is a manifestation of the Divine. This can fill us with awe and wonder. 

5. Winter is one of the four seasons. Realise that seasons are governed by the law of cycles. There is also the cycle of death and rebirth. Winter is symbolic of death just as spring symbolises life. Ask questions — why are we born? What is death? What is the purpose of life? This could be a wonderful way to begin your spiritual quest. And just like the law of cycles, there are several other laws that govern us. For instance, the law of karma. What we sow, we reap. An apple can never grow on a cherry tree, can it? Just like the seeds we plant determine the fruit on the tree, our deeds determine our destiny. 

Spiritual practices like Yoga and meditation can help one through winter. Yoga is not about physical asanas or pranayama but being in union with God, the Divine.  We can be in Yoga through Bhakti Yoga or devotion, Karma Yoga or action, Dhyana Yoga or meditation, Gyana Yoga or education or even Prema Yoga or the Yoga of Divine Love, wherein we love the Soul, the Divine within each being. 

Meditation, an extremely important spiritual practice, is about stilling the mind, decluttering it. Meditation is known to regulate moods and improve both physical and mental health. We must incorporate it in our life and make it a everyday practice. To conclude, wellness in winter in nature is all about connecting with nature, experiencing its beauty, contemplating, reflecting on life, accepting and surrendering to God and realising that nature, just like us, is a part, a manifestation of the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP,  we call God. 


AiR Atman in Ravi...

Guest Author Spiritual Leader and founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Center of Enlightenment

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