
5 Ways To Make An Hour Valuable

The worth of your life is quantified in hours, the total of how we spend every hour. What is the true value of each hour of your life? At any given point in our life, it is determined by the value we provide to others. It is all in our hands.

If someone were to ask you what you have done in the past hour. What will your answer be? Did you flit it away? Or did you add value to something or someone? Research says that we find maximum joy in giving not getting.

In the end, all that matters is how much we did. How much of a difference we made. Not a bank balance, amassed real estate or a degree hung on your wall. Opportunities to be of value abound everywhere. Some are anticipated and others fall into our lap. It is upto us to recognise them and take them up.

A few things that you can do to make your time more valuable:

1. Stop postponing happiness: When you embrace what is in front of you, people and circumstances, you will get the maximum out of them. Lesser judgments, less resistance, more allowing, less grasping in this hour and the next. In that way, you will find happiness, opportunity, and peace pervasively.

2. Build bridges not walls: When the going gets touch most people build walls, very few build bridges. Everyone has a story and has gone through something that has changed them and forced them to grow. You never know what they have to offer to you unless you give them a chance. Open yourself up, that is the only way to develop and make the most of your time. Over time your perspective will also begin to shift and you will be able to touch more lives. 

3. Be kind always: Strive to be a part of what is right with the world. Be kind in thought and action. It will create a ripple of wellness around you. Kindness always makes a difference. Even if you disagree with people, treat them gently. It all ends up on your score card.

4. Live mindfully and listen intently: More often than not people just want an ear to hear them out, they do not want some long drawn advice. Give people that ear, and stand by them, you never know what the impact of your silent support will be.

5. Use your superpower of calmness: Remain calm under all circumstances. You can not control how people feel about you. Do not let peoples opinions good or bad effect you. Stay true to yourself and remain calm. Strive towards equanimity. Don’t take things personally. Keep doing your thing with as much love and integrity as possible. Calmly one day at a time. It will add to your value to all that you do exponentially.

6. It isn’t always easy to be nice to those we have a difference of opinion with. Give them a hug mentally and wish them well in the hour ahead, no matter what. It sounds a bit “woo-woo,” but it works.
You will be surprised what how far an extra hug, some extra compassion, and a little unexpected love can go!

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