
Addressing Loneliness

In India, 10 per cent of the population, roughly 104 million individuals, are classified as elderly citizens, a number expected to reach 19.5 per cent by 2050. The changing dynamics of globalization and the migration of the younger workforce contribute to a growing number of elderly people living alone, especially in urban areas. Notably, 9per cent of elderly women and 6 per centof men reside independently, with 18,080 senior citizens residing in old age homes, as reported by The Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment. The prevailing sense of isolation among the elderly has become an undeniable aspect of their lives. However, a transformation is underway, as 601 old age homes across India are rewriting the narratives of the elderly. Beyond providing shelter, support and medical care, these institutions create a new environment, offering companionship and a sense of belonging. This shift is effectively reshaping the dynamics of the country's aging population. 

How do old age homes serve as a solution to combat loneliness among seniors? 

Provides a New Family - In elder care facilities, residents often share a common thread – abandoned by family or having lost their own. When individuals facing such circumstances converge in one space, a unique familial bond emerges, woven from shared experiences and emotions. This environment becomes a sanctuary where their perspectives and feelings are valued and understood. This connection among seniors serves as a powerful antidote to loneliness, offering them the chance to embark on a new chapter with their newfound family.

Fun Activities - Engaging in both physical and mental activities, along with celebrating festivities in old age homes, brings a fresh vibrancy to the lives of seniors. Beyond being enjoyable, these activities contribute significantly to their health, countering feelings of loneliness and overthinking. Given that nearly a third of the elderly population experiences depressive symptoms, especially after being isolated from their families, such engagements become crucial. Participating in such activities and celebrating festivals enables them to relish life to the fullest.

Care with Compassion - In old age homes, both staff and residents form a tight-knit community. The availability of medical and personal care services contributes to the overall well-being of the seniors. Yet, it is the genuine affection and compassion shared among the residents and staff that truly shapes a warm and affectionate atmosphere. This bond fosters a friendly environment and helps combat loneliness among the elderly.

Some old age homes further facilitate diverse programs and initiatives, fostering interaction for seniors with the broader community. Even help them engage in skill-enhancing activities which empower seniors to break free from isolation, encouraging them to rekindle hobbies and acquire new skills. Though adjusting to life outside their familial environment can initially pose challenges, positive engagements, meaningful conversations and environment play a pivotal role in helping the elderly embark on a rejuvenating journey.


Dr. G.P. Bhagat

Guest Author Founder and General Secretary of SHEOWS

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