
Anger And Success

No matter what kind of occupation a man or woman is engaged in everyone would like to see it completed in a successful way. Whether small or big even if a person is selling flowers on the street side or selling planes both desire and wish for a successful outcome in their respective business or job.

But unfortunately we see that a majority of people fail to achieve the level of success that they want in life. When we try to find out the cause behind this it could be due to one of many reasons such as lack of education, being under-skilled, not having the resources required, or simply a lack of intelligence etc. But on closer inspection, we can see that the anger a man suffers from is the quality that serves as an obstacle between him and his achievement of success.  An angry individual will never be able to attain success and even if he or she managers to become successful it is not sustained in the long run. This is exactly why virtues of patience and calmness are need to be developed and practiced in order to reach a positive outcome in life.

The emotion of anger sometimes gives the illusion of completion or success. But this is far from the truth because anger prohibits a man from achieving his goal and acts as a hurdle towards success. But when an individual exercises the virtue of patience and stays calm under pressure no matter what task he or she under takes it is guaranteed to become a fruitful undertaking. Take for example milk- when you add even a drop of poison into it, it still looks like milk but it is not so anymore it has now become poison. Similarly with water when you add even a single drop of poison into it, it transforms into a poisonous liquid and does not remain water anymore. Anger is such a poisonous emotion that by holding on to this quality one can destroy his or her own life and fail to achieve their goals.

The emotion of anger is a huge impediment in one's spiritual journey. And for growth in your spirituality you must dispense of this quality of anger and adopt the virtue of patience. All the great spiritual leaders and masters preached about this divine quality of patience which when a man adopts can take him very far in life. And discarding anger is not an easy task especially in the society which does not allow you to be in peace. It takes a lot of sacrifice, hard work, and a conscious effort to develop the qualities of patience and calmness. But in the end it will be all worth it because it is one life that you have and it is a matter of prosperity and success. If you wish to realise your dreams and complete anything that you undertake successfully then you must learn to get rid of your anger and adopt the healthy qualities of patience.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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