
Be Watchful Of Mental Health Of Self And Others

Finally the step-sibling of illnesses is peeping out of the closet! While it might be a while before the masses start accepting mental health diseases as openly as they accept other diseases, it is heartening to see conversations at multiple fora on this subject.

Anxiety and depression are the most common mental illnesses that affect the population and if left unmanaged, they can in very serious cases, lead to suicide. Therefore, it is prudent to be watchful of symptoms that present themselves as markers. Often we write these off as the blues, but if they last for more than two weeks, help must be sought.

Some amount of anxiety is also helpful as it helps us react to threat (real or imagined), but when the feelings become too intense and begin to interfere with daily functioning it is important to assess the situation. Many doctors today view anxiety, depression and stress as one and the same.

Signs to watch out for:-

Feeling the blues

Negative thoughts lasting over weeks, months or years

Increase or decrease in appetite

Sleep disturbances. Too much or too little

Not enjoying things you used to enjoy

Racing heart or Chest tightening

Sweaty palms

Feelings of hopelessness

Feelings of helplessness

Feelings of worthlessness

Struggling to breathe

Stomach cramps

Inability to cope with things you could deal with usually

Fatigue for no apparent reason

Racing thoughts

Suicidal Thoughts

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but a checklist of the alarming ones that one should be watchful of. It is not necessary that all these symptoms appear simultaneously to qualify as anxiety or depression. Many times just the presence of a couple of these persistently over days qualifies as reason enough to seek intervention.

Not only should we be aware of our own mental health, but it is imperative that we keep an eye out for those we engage with. Sometimes it is just one hint that we miss out on that can cost a life.

The fast pace of our lives today, hardly affords us the time to pause for ourselves or others. The pause to assimilate all that we are experiencing, positive or negative is crucial. This is where preventive health comes in too.

Meditation, exercise and contemplative practices play a huge role in pre-empting diseases. Be responsible where you can and find out what practices work for you, it will make a world of difference. A few minutes of practice can at the very least, help one establish a baseline of well-being!

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