
Exploring The Connection Of Yoga And Spirituality

Yoga and spirituality complement one other. The human body and intellect work as the channel for the transmission of spirituality. What makes us feel complete and fulfilled is spirituality. You could recognise that the reason we were created was so that we might feel this fullness if you take some time to reflect.

What is Yoga?

Both yoga and spirituality require structure to be followed and their respective practises to be carried out. The proper channels must be used for them. Yoga practise without a spiritual component would leave you feeling unfulfilled. The discipline of yoga. Therefore, you must start doing yoga if you want to reach your full potential. We require spiritual practises in yoga to be complete. Yoga then turns into a path to spirituality. We may use a few meditation techniques to help us in our path to yoga and spirituality. In spirituality, there are certain training techniques provided. These include the Sthithi Dhyan and Tratak Dhyan meditation practises.

What is Spirituality?

When we engage in spirituality, we enter a tremendous phase of self-exploration. Spirituality and its practises urge us to take a close look at who we are. It is the investigation and comprehension of the spirit. Our ability to answer issues like what this life is all about, if there is life beyond death, what can be done to improve this life, etc. is made possible by our spirituality. Enlightenment can be sought by using spiritual practises and training. For instance, while using the Siddha walk technique, we make a figure 8 and go from one way to the other for a certain period of time. Although there are undoubtedly physical advantages to this spiritual practise, its main advantage is that it allows us to understand energy and spirit.

Meditation techniques combine yoga and spirituality

Sthithi Dhyan

How to Practice:

Stand still at any time of day and turn to face various Dishas (directions) to take in all the information your eyes are able to see. Then, take a seat and write down what you saw or felt.

Tratak Dhyan

How to Practice:

This can be done using a candle, or a black dot on the wall, on the sun, moon or even any object or image of your choice. Allow the energy of the thing you have selected to draw you in as you stare at it with a contemplative look. These methods improve observational skills and may even trigger Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP), such as clairvoyance and knowledge of past incarnations.


· Improves memory power

· Increases presence of mind

· Increases mindfulness

· Helps in concentration

Holding Samasthithi or Tadasana for long periods of time are yoga poses that can raise your spirituality quotient. Shirshasana, or headstand, is another yoga asana that can help you develop your ability for spiritual development. Yoga is a means of achieving spirituality and of going through personal development. The capability of the body, mind, and spirit can be improved by yoga practises. They are instructed to use these newfound powers to certain activities through spiritual practises. Therefore, there are countless spiritual practises that can support your growth in the appropriate ways. There is no upper limit to how high you can go since the cosmos and the universe are always expanding.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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