
Flexibility is the key to success

Devi Mohan – Global Ambassador of Mohanji Foundation & Senior Instructor and Director of Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga said that even though it has been a year full of challenges she has been busy and got the chance to connect with close family members. She feels that if we truly honor the practices of the ancient science of yoga from our hearts it is highly beneficial. She also said due to these reasons she is very honored to be an instrument of yoga. One important point that she stated was that we lose our routine very easily and don’t stick to a specific practice. If we have a routine, of chanting mantras, doing yoga and breathing right we have to make sure that commitment is important. From another angle the key is to have that ability of being flexible. During the pandemic she said she has seen people go into depression, and procrastination and in spiritual terms what is called ‘tamas’. On the other hand, there are people who used this time to rise up. To say that whatever time that we have left here let us do our best. “Sometimes it is good to have that fear of death so that we do our best in the present. This helps people to be more focused and objective. Where people get lost is when they get over exasperated with the load. This is because we are living in a time that is also speeding up.” According to her our day is no longer 24 hours long so everyone thinks that only their schedule is hectic. The truth she says is that even housewives have been very busy. This is because the vibration is of such. At the subconscious level we can feel that pressure, as energy is rising up into higher frequencies and it is like one is on a treadmill and the speed is much higher. So now we are struggling to keep up on the treadmill. This is how life feels at the moment. That is where the key thing is to center and grounding is important, so for this alignment stabilizing practices are very important.

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