
Global Wellness Day - A holistic approach to Wellness

Wellness as a term is very interesting. It represents the overall well-being of a person or any living organism. What it also represents is the path to bring positivity in us which in turn affects our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and even financial wellbeing. Without internal wellness on any one of these segments, we cannot be completely at our best or even function the way we would like to function. The World Health Organization (WHO), defines wellness as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

Sometimes people confuse healthcare with wellness. Health is actually a state of being, whereas wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle. Wellness aims to enhance well-being.

According to Dr. Mamta Shah, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, “The pandemic of COVID 19 which has been with us for 16 months now is showing no sign of shaking off. Certain words have become part of our everyday vocabulary of experience in the population at large like quarantine, isolation, fear, phobia, anxiety, worry, concern, depression, anger, agitation, guilt, insomnia, restriction, curfew, empathy, gratitude and probably more. The leading psychological impact to date has been elevated levels of anxiety, depression and stress in all age groups.”

Mentioning a large number of precautions that we had to take during the lockdown she went on to say, “We've come a long way and as hope was observed in the early days of the pandemic it seems to be dwindling a year on. Ways of coping run along a continuum from frontline workers risking themselves to help others to people adopting different forms of substance abuse to numb the fear and pain away. What also has emerged is that resilience does not necessarily shield people from adverse mental health effects. People have felt stronger in dealing with the pandemic but may not necessarily feel emotionally strong. They continue to feel weary, empty, numb, on autopilot, exhausted or even more disconnected with others.”

Talking about the importance of physical fitness, “The need of a strong immune system brought attention to hundreds of health pills as quick means to improve immunity. But health doesn't come in a pill, does it? The only trustworthy way to improve as well as to sustain the immunity, is to exercise regularly along with clean eating. 30 mins of exercise everyday will give you significant results in terms of keeping the blood pressure and blood sugar in check, reduced mental stress, improved CNS, better sleep etc. This wellness day, everyone should make a workout commitment to themselves. Ease of online fitness classes really leaves no room for excuses. A fitter India is now a necessity,” said Ajay Yadav, Fitness Trainer and Director at LeoFlexPro.

On another realistic note, “Mental health and wellness weren’t of much importance before the pandemic. Not that there was no paranoia, no anxiety, no depression or no aggression then. These were and have always been there - tucked away deep in their unconscious. It is the pandemic that has brought them to the surface to be healed. Now, clients are not only acknowledging that they are dis-eased by such issues but wanting to get well too. It is offering them an opportunity to restore their emotional and mental harmony which, in turn, is improving their immunological response to the virus, with Bach Flower therapy. The fundamental role of Bach Flower therapy is to raise the overall level of awareness. In the light of this awareness are dissolved all mental and emotional blocks. Helping one to embark on a transformational journey of spiritual awakening and ascension,” said Indroneil Mukerjee, Bach flower therapist and a transformational Life Coach.

With an excellent example, Manisha Bhagat, Senior Nutritionist and Health Coach said “One may be physically fit but still unwell! Wellness is so much more than just a number on the weighing scale or a certain physique. It is certainly more holistic. Wellness is whatever keeps us positive, our thoughts and actions in a good space, and makes us feel good in our skin. Wellness is not one profile or one size. It is a very individual thing, not a standard prescription. Living in the moment and staying connected with people around you, staying physically active and eating healthy helps. Embracing new experiences, learning new things and showing gratitude for what you have also contributes to wellness. Staying connected with oneself and listening to our positive internal voices and acting on them is surely one way to experience wellness!”

Most people are not aware of the importance of dental hygiene and the holistic effect it has. It affects our gut which is our second brain. It also affects our self-esteem and overall health. “Neglect of dental hygiene is a common phenomenon among the Indian population, irrespective of one’s social strata. The Covid-19 pandemic has only increased this, as individuals are even more reluctant to visit dental clinics, than before. Yet, we must not forget that the mouth is the “gatekeeper of the gut”. Failing to follow simple activities like brushing and flossing our teeth, in the long run, can lead to widespread dental decay and gum infections. Extracted teeth which are not replaced by artificial ones can lead to esthetic and functional problems, and in severe cases, can cause temporomandibular disorders. Malocclusion can lead to indigestion and cause gastric disease. To prevent these drastic consequences, regular six-month visits to the dental clinic, and timely treatment, is highly advised,” said Dr. Gautam Laud, M.D.S Oral Surgeon and Implantologist.

Stressing upon the benefits of yoga Nidhi Ajay Yadav, Yoga teacher and Director at YogMantra said, “Yoga has been a wonderful recovery tool for Covid-19 patients. I have noticed a shift in people's mindset who have always known yoga to be some stretching routine. Many people now especially ask for longer pranayama and dhyana sessions. Of Course asanas will always keep their significance in keeping the lymphatic system up and running, nervous system functions, endocrine system functions etc. but pranayama has direct effect on breath and mind. "A controlled breath results in a calmer mind"; many have experienced this now. This wellness day, everyone should make it a point to practice yoga every day. "Atha Yoganushashnam". The current digital wave has provided easy access to the teachings of the best yoga teachers across the world. The practice should never stop!,”

According to Suzy Singh, Mental health Coach, Author, Wellness Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Grief Counsellor, Advisor to board NGO We-Listen, “When darkness rises, the hidden goodness in people also awakens in service of the light. This sums up my experience during the pandemic. While both young & old have been frustrated by the forced isolation, mounting work from home pressures, restricted social interface, postponed study & wedding plans, and the looming uncertainty about the future, it is exactly these things that have forced individuals, parents, school authorities and families to seek answers and remedies to matters that are critical for balanced living. These had been completely forsaken in the pre-pandemic race for 'more'. Today, individuals, organisations and school authorities are all welcoming workshops on grief and growth. Mindfulness, processing emotions and 'doing less' are no longer alien concepts. I recall a comment made by a famous TV anchor on mental health show a couple of years ago. When I'd raised the importance of processing emotions as being key for good mental health, she had balked at the idea saying, 'who the hell has time to feel their feelings in today's world'. Fortunately, today many more people realise the importance of emotional & mental well-being and are willing to forsake technology to build human connection lest they lose their loved ones to Covid-19. Nature is correcting the great misalignment we humans had succumbed to. It's sad that we need so much suffering to learn simple lessons about the importance of keeping our mind, body & soul equally nourished.”

On a conclusive note, let us use this Global Wellness Day as an opportunity to celebrate all the steps we have taken towards our well-being so far, as well as an opportunity to commit ourselves towards our own, as well as the well-being of our family and our planet as a whole. 

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