
Happiness Is Our Default State Of Being: Shruti Rathore

Happiness is the key ingredient of wellbeing. In the absence of which no amount of success can suffice.

In 2015, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that seek to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect our planet – three key aspects that lead to well-being and happiness. The United Nations has been celebrating International Day of happiness since 2013 to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people across the globe.

On this day which each person from all walks of life is invited to celebrate the International Day of Happiness, Shruti Rathore Healer, fairyologist, vegan animal rights activist Shruti Rathore shared her views on Happiness with BW BusinessWorld.

The 27-years-old described happiness as, “The default state of our being. When we’re at complete ease with our external environment and ourselves. We vibrate high and nothing is weighing us down. This is what happiness is, today or tomorrow."

How do you stay happy in the face of negativity?

The world energy gets affected today, as the collective consciousness chooses to focus on fear.

It is in these times, our highest priority is to focus our energies on love, compassion and high vibrational thoughts.

My three tips for staying happy at all times: 

1. Focusing on love

I stay happy by focusing only on Light and love. I avoid fear-based news or any type of drama that is weighing the world down. There's enough fear, this world needs more of Love.

2. Consciously choosing my thoughts

Focusing on what we want rather than what we don't want helps us stay happier and calm. It's also very important to consciously choosing to stay in the moment. Everything else is either a memory or imaginary. Life is happening now.

3. Practicing Gratitude

The key to happiness is to direct our attention to what is working right in our lives instead of what isn't. We can't achieve anything by looking at life from a place of lack. There is always, always something to be grateful for. Let's start by being grateful for the biggest gift, the gift of life. When we are grateful, life gives us more to be grateful for. Simple law of attraction!

Three things that affect my happiness

1. When I let my mind overpower my inner guidance

Mind was created to keep us safe by warning us of all the possible dangers. It’s our responsibility to not let it rule us. We often let our mind dictate us and sometimes lose to its limited beliefs and thought patterns.

2. Contrast in the world

It’s almost natural for all humans to react to the contrast that is present in the world today in the form of Pain and Misery. The lack of compassion is what affects me but I see it as a place and an opportunity where I need to send love; the most, for healing.

3. When I let fear take over

Fear is the opposite of what we want. When I let my fear-based thoughts come in the way of my desires, it does affect my happy state until I consciously take it's power away by taking away my attention from it.

Whether or not we are spiritually aware, it’s completely natural to have reactions to contrasts in our life and be distracted from the state of complete happiness. What really matters is as to how quickly do we bounce back and bring our self to the alignment. This is how our happiness is in our own power.

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