
How Emotional Wellness Impacts Businesses

For many business owners there are only thoughts, no emotions, there are only strategies and the market research that plays a huge role in the success of the business.

Even if businesses are considered more connected towards skills and thoughts, successful businesses are run by only those who are emotionally fit. This seems to be a contradiction but emotions have immense value in human life. Every moment we live, we deal with, process and conclude our emotions. These are those pointers of navigation which help us to live our potential.

So how do emotions impact businesses?

Let us consider a mud pot with a mild crack. Every time you think of expanding your field to plant more trees and reap benefits from the same, your pot with a crack is not helping you get enough water in given time to help the trees grow leaving you with a belief to have only this much capacity and bring limitedness in your yield.

Similarly, if your emotions are always leaking the energy you are operating with, you cannot live to your highest potential in business. Emotions are a foundational pillar to success in many ways. They are the fuel with which a human being can either achieve it all or shall only keep trying with no potential outcome that is possible to live.

Let us explore relationship of emotions with key elements in business:

Emotions & Clarity – If you are emotionally stable and feel grounded, you have immense clarity in your life. This will help you operate at a very different level. In business, half of the success is met when you are clear about your next steps. Understating your emotional level and learning to see the clarity through the various emotional phases helps to generate so much in business and life.

Emotions & Decision making – If you are emotionally feeling safe and grounded the decisions that you take are very profound. The choices are clearer and you are able to identify the pros and cons with ease. There is a sense of balance. The decision making in business gets more powerful with emotional stability and you would receive multifold success.

Emotions & Relationship – If you are emotionally feeling overwhelmed, the relationships are always stretched, if you are not at all available emotionally, the relationships are dry and stale. Only the emotional balance can help the relationships to survive and thrive. In business the relationships with employees and stakeholders are of most importance. If you are emotionally fit you can receive so much support from stakeholders and employees because of your connection with them. Else it is always a struggle to keep the ball rolling first and to expand next.

Emotions & Sales – There is direct correlation between how you feel and how you show up for sales conversations. Sales is the measure of success for every business. Imagine if you are always feeling great about yourselves and your work and there is always a sense of positive feeling, you are emotionally connected to your business, the level of sales will always increase. You will be more available for your business and in turn the outcomes would be more powerful.

Emotions & Listening – If you are emotionally clear and rooted well, you would find you are listening to the customer requirements better and are able to serve them better. This aspect helps to enhance the business relationships faster rather than keep following up with the potential customers


Shraddha Subramanian

Guest Author India’s first Intuition Expert, Certified Business & Executive Coach, Founder & CEO of Sparkling Soul

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