
How To Find Mental Peace In 5 Steps

The most precious resource is time. Opportunities, options, and selections abound and are just waiting to be made. Our only goals in life are a sense of fulfilment and enduring peace. While some of us do this unintentionally, others actively pursue it. The ultimate goal of life is to achieve inner tranquilly. Make sure you are conscious of how you use this time while searching for the most expensive prize, inner serenity. There are several ways to achieve this, including through yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and other related disciplines.

What we need?

It's crucial that we use the appropriate strategies when looking for this sense of fulfilment, tranquilly, and connection inside ourselves. An unconscious quest is characterised by sense fulfilment and the momentary satisfaction of cravings that only serve to further one's disenchantment and sense of emptiness. Allow this joyful and relaxing experience to arise from within you so that you can maintain your cup of happiness full at all times. This is what yoga and other mindful practices can accomplish—it fosters a longer-lasting calm that we may cultivate ourselves and also spread to those who are in need.


Your intention will lead you down any route. The goal behind what you choose to do directs you in a particular direction. We must comprehend that the basis of any resolution stems from an intention. An intention is a powerful, potentially destructive thinking. Energy is not aware of what is positive or negative, right or wrong. Your energy will direct you toward whichever objective you decide upon. Choice comes from intention, which is a theoretical choice you make about your desire or aim. 

Control your Anger 

Anger is an emotion that needs to be channelized by the power of yoga and spirituality. Anger only hurts the person who experiences it. An example is when you hold a piece of burning coal in your hand, and think that the other person will suffer. This is nothing but your immediate reaction to certain situations mindlessly which may even cause you suffering for someone else’s mistake. A wrong tone or hasty communications can scar any harmonious relationship. On the other hand, the right communication like butter can make any and all transactions better. The practice of yoga and spirituality enables us to experience the goodness of this life and grow through love, respect and kindness. 

Clear Purpose and Direction

Upgrading oneself from where we currently are is the goal of self improvement and self development. Our intentions determine the path that our energy take. And in this sense, our energy will respond appropriately and go in the direction that we wish it to, whether it is positive or negative. Therefore, we must follow through on our suggestion to choose a positive intention for ourselves with a resolution. The resolution then requests concrete action. What specific actions need to be taken when we create a checklist for ourselves? Every goal or desire begins with a single step, so it's critical to build a strong foundation if we want to realise our aspirations.

Positive Affirmations

We may change our lives by using affirmations that are positive and by acting on our resolutions after making them. Any shift demands that you act in a different way. Sometimes all you need to get moving is a little prodding in the correct direction. Your thoughts, actions, and perspective on life can be dramatically changed by making positive affirmations, setting good intentions, and taking decisive action.

Choose positive people

The strength of friendship is often considered to be the greatest gift given to humanity. Additionally, friendship has a distinct position in the annals of time. This is demonstrated in even the famous Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. It's incredible that every one of the divine beings that visited us on Earth understood the importance of friendship and demonstrated its significance. Whether it was Guru Nanak, Lord Krishna, or Gautama Buddha, they are all outstanding examples of friendship. They made an effort to explain what the heavenly friendship link is to us. In order to be a good friend for life, one must first know how to choose the correct group of friends.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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