
How To Reduce Stress Levels At The Workplace

In today's competitive landscape, fostering a healthy work atmosphere is essential. Individuals spend most of their time in their respective workspaces, which comes at a cost

While a certain amount of stress motivates employees and helps increase productivity, crossing the threshold can adversely affect employees. It can cause mental health issues like anxiety and depression. It also increases susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases.  


GOQii's Annual India Fit Report 2022-2023 found that 26 per cent of Indians reported feeling stressed by their current work situation. According to the survey, job losses, pay cuts, and market uncertainty have negatively influenced employees, increasing their stress levels. The stress levels in various sectors or industries vary. Health professionals face stress due to the worsening health conditions of individuals. A survey by the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that 42 per cent of employees in this sector experience workplace stress. As for the IT sector employees, they face long working hours and need help with proper work-life balance. It is estimated that 88.5 million workers may suffer from work stress in India, with 17.7 per cent of IT professionals reporting high-stress levels. The rising level of stress among employees is a cause of immense concern.  


What causes workplace stress? 


  • Long Hours: Extended work hours can lead to physical and mental fatigue, reducing time for rest and personal activities and increasing stress levels. 


  • Heavy Workload: A demanding workload can overwhelm an individual, making it difficult to manage tasks efficiently, leading to heightened stress and anxiety. 


  • Job insecurity: Uncertainty about job stability, given volatile market conditions, can cause constant worry and fear, contributing significantly to stress and a sense of instability. 


  • Lack of support: Employees may feel that their superiors or managers do not support them enough, leading to self-doubt and poor performance. 


  • Work-life balance: Blurring lines between work and personal life is a significant cause of stress. Employees spend a lot of time at their workplace and have little time for their personal lives, which may negatively impact their relationships as well, leading to anxiety and stress.  

How do you manage workplace stress? 

  • Mapping a wellness plan: It is essential to chalk out a wellness plan that best suits you and your lifestyle and stay consistent with it. Have a small reward system to help you feel motivated. A wellness plan comprises your go-to regimes/activities to aid you in keeping your stress levels at bay.  


  • Understanding your Stressors: Journaling helps you track down your stressors. Keep track of what stresses you. Journal for a week or two to identify situations at the office that cause stress and determine how you respond to them. Record your thoughts, feelings, and circumstances involved. Writing down will help you identify the causes and generate solutions that work for you.  


  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness focuses on the present moment. It helps you achieve calmness and clarity to respond better to stressful situations.  


  • Exercise: Instead of combating stress with fast food or alcohol, make healthy choices. Exercise is an effective stress reliever; while yoga is an excellent option, any form of physical activity can be helpful. 


  • Establish boundaries: Boundaries between work and personal life can help alleviate some of the stress you may face daily. Take some time to recharge and rejuvenate so you can start afresh the next day at work. 


  • Seek support: Workplace stress can sometimes become overwhelming, so do not hesitate to ask for professional help. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and doing this will help you understand yourself better and guide you on how to combat stress to improve your personal, work, and productivity. 


Fighting stress can be challenging, but it is essential to pause and look at it from a solution-oriented perspective. Remember to be mindful, communicate your inconveniences with employers if necessary, and take enough care of yourself in a stressful atmosphere. Doing this will equip you to cope with stress better.  


Dr. Jini K Gopinath

Guest Author Chief Psychology Officer, YourDOST

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