In conversation with Aayush Poddar

1. Could you please tell us about “Planting Root Technology Pvt. Ltd” of which Daily Suvichar is a product?

I founded Planting Root Technology back in 2016 with a clear vision of building tech products that positively impact millions of people. Our products are targeted at the “root” or “basic” needs of a user and are built on the pillars of motivation, positivity and happiness. 

2. How did the idea of Daily Suvichar germinate in your mind?

India is ranked the most depressed country in the world. Various studies, along with my personal experiences, have shown that a majority of our society lacks motivation and needs a word of positivity to help them in their daily lives. We saw that there was a lack of good quality Hindi content, and strongly believed that there was a need for easily accessible motivational content that can be consumed by the user in seconds. Hence, we created Daily Suvichar, to give regular and small dosages of inspiration and ‘good thoughts’ to our readers, and to help them cope better with daily stress. People often underestimate power of motivational content, but it truly has the power to steer us towards a happier and more inspired self.

3. Who is your target audience? 

Hindi is the native language of 528 million people in our country, and we’ve seen that majority of the people dealing with daily stress are 25-35 years old, with work-related stress being one of the biggest contributing factors. Combining these two findings, we narrowed down our target audience to the 25-35-year-old native Hindi speakers in our country who reside in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities.

4.What are your plans for the future?

Over the past few years, Daily Suvichar has impacted millions of people positively. In a country as huge and diverse as India, we truly believe that not enough focus has been given to native speakers of the different languages. Soon, our platform will not only provide content in Hindi, but also in other native languages like Bengali, Tamil, Marathi etc. We believe that we can make an impact on the society as a whole, and not just on an individual, if can get good quality content across to the users in their native language. 

5. Do you have a particular strategy with which you aim to be India’s number one digital content and merchandise platform for the 528 million Hindi speakers in the country?

What makes us different from other platforms is the fact that we have created an ecosystem of Content + E-commerce. Our users have been engaging with us on a daily basis for over 3 years, and they relate Daily Suvichar with ‘positivity’, which is why they buy our merchandise. We plan to use social media to our strength to build a bigger Daily Suvichar “Digital Parivar”, that will be the go-to place for the native Hindi speakers of our country, for all things related to positivity, motivation and good thoughts. 

6. You are the daily dose of positivity for your Daily Suvichar family that comprises of 700K+ organic followers and 200K+ community members on Facebook, and 40K app installs on Google Play and iOS App Store. How do you manage your content? 

Daily Suvichar has its own Content team that comprises of content writers, graphic designers, and editors. We create more than 20 pieces of content every day for our various platforms. Moreover, our community of 200K members generate 150+ posts everyday which is first validated by our team before the content is posted. Creating Hindi content is challenging due to the lack of Hindi fonts available on different designing platforms and limitations in softwares. We are tackling this issue by creating our own fonts and experimental designs and are constantly improving this to see what works best.

7. When did Daily Suvichar start and what are your plans for it on the road ahead?

Daily Suvichar was launched on October 6th 2016, and we’ve been operational for over 3 and a half years. On the road ahead, our plans are to scale up our Hindi users in both our Digital Content and Merchandise platforms, and we’re working hard to improve both to add more value to our users. Furthermore, we plan to strategically diversify into more native Indian languages, as mentioned earlier. 

8.“We believe that what we wear and use has a strong impact on how we feel, and evokes the same vibes to those around us. With that in mind, we launched the Daily Suvichar Store where customers can buy a range of merchandise with positive and feel-good Hinglish content,” – stating this what do you feel could make you even better on these lines? 

In a segment like ours, such as e-commerce, there are a lot of things that go into determining the success of a platform. We are relatively new to this segment, so there quite a few challenges to deal with. Primarily, we need to constantly create out-of-the-box content that is not only visually appealing, but also conveys an impactful message, while combining traditional sayings with trendy slangs. We also plan to expand our lines to include more products, and we are still testing the waters to see what kind of content is best received, and what doesn’t really work. Furthermore, our biggest challenge is reaching out to the masses, striking the right balance between the social media world and outside of it.

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