
In Conversation With Anamika Yaduvanshi

How to tackle peer pressure in today's competitive scene?

We get under pressure when we want to fit in or when we want others to approve of us. To beat this feeling, foremost you must believe in yourself fairly. Be upfront, and don't hesitate to say no to things you don't want to indulge in.

Please throw some light on aspects of life mentoring.

A mentor helps individuals grow and develop on a professional and personal level. They help individuals in setting their goals and maintaining accountability. They help you by encouraging and motivating you when you are feeling demotivated. They are your accountability partner and a trusted ally. They listen to you and give you honest feedback. The best part about mentors is they give you advice when you can't decide things. Their advice is non-biased and will help you in achieving your goals.

How can timely guidance in business save you from side hustles?

When you have a mentor or somebody who is guiding you. They give you advice on things which you may not be able to understand because of you being inexperienced. A guide or a mentor can help you because they are coming from an experienced place. Their advice can help you in avoiding bigger losses or anything. Your mind can be biased sometimes and you might not realize the potential dangers of your decisions. A guide or mentor can point out what may not work in your idea? What is the best thing that will work in your idea? What worst can happen? And how to be prepared for the worst. A mentor or guide can give you ideas how to minimize risks.. It will help you avoid bigger losses and help you multiply gains.

What is the most difficult difficulty you have faced as a mentor while counseling corporates on personal issues?

As a coach when we do coaching for corporate. The biggest problem on a personal level they face is the non-acceptance of personal problems. They believe they don't need self-improvement as other people do. And they don't need anything to work on themselves, they are the leaders, they have all the knowledge and the other people on the team need to work on themselves they lack skill and knowledge. Very few want to work on self-improvement. They don't accept their flaws. They consider Self-improvement as a failure. Non-acceptance of areas of self-improvement is the biggest problem. Comparing your life with others in the corporate culture is also another obstacle in coaching. Beginners have started comparing themselves with people who are already big fish in the market. This comparison does not lead anywhere, In fact, it demotivates them and does not allow them to see how good they are progressing in their lives.

What is the importance of a good life coach in one's life and where do you being a life coach fit in?

A lot of times we want to achieve a lot of things and all those things are there in our heads but they are not clear. The vision is quite hazy. With a coach the vision of your goal becomes clear. Coach will throw questions at coachee like…Do you understand what you want to achieve? What is your goal? What are your short-term and long-term goals? Based on your long-term goal, what is your short-term goal? That's the first thing that becomes clear when you do sessions with a life coach. What is the action plan you need to achieve your goals? Obstacles that might come up. Strategies on how the person will overcome those obstacles are also discussed. The most beautiful part of  a coach is, that the coach is your accountability partner. If you are not able to take action on things coach holds you accountable for what was stopping you from taking action. Whatever that issue is procrastination, external issues, or circumstances. They work on those issues so that you are always accountable for taking immediate actions So that you can move closer to your goals. Where do I fit in ? I work extremely compassionate at my work , i want my clients to be get results from my coaching. I focus on their belief systems. A lot of times we want a lot of things in our lives but we don't know what belief system in our head is stopping us. Sometimes we want to earn a lot of money but in our belief system, it's stuck. I can never earn good money or I am not good enough or it is okay to be middle class. Sometimes some belief systems are there. So I work with my clients on those as well. When those belief systems are broken new ones are formed. And it syncs with their goals.

Please tell us about one incidence where someone's life got healed by your guidance.

In a recent incident, during this pandemic. Where the global business was badly hit I had a client who was the CEO of a garment production house supplying to  European brands. Globally the whole market was down. Her goal was to double her revenue but because of the pandemic, she was scared about whether she would be able to do her usual turnover or not. But keeping the goal of doubling the revenue in mind we made a plan, strategies, belief systems, affirmations, and charted action plans on regular basis. She took massive action, she sent multiple emails without thinking there is a global pandemic. She took positive actions without thinking about the future results. She got good reverts from fashion houses sitting in Europe. She multiplied her revenue four times.

How do you differentiate between success coaching and life coaching?

Success coaching is more of professional coaching where the coach is consulted only for the professional success of the individual. Life coaching is a broader picture where both personal and professional success is taken into account. Coaching on relationships, self-improvement, and dealing with your fears. Failure is not taken as a setback. Where we analyze failure and work on those mistakes.

These days, the burden of depression is over the sky. What are some indicators of bad mental health?

Indicators of bad mental health:

You become irritable

You lose interest in your favorite hobbies

Your relationships suffer

You lose focus

You start binge eating, drinking, smoking, and watching television also.

One piece of advice you'd provide to kids about living a healthy, satisfying life.

A lot of kids these days indulge in activities under peer pressure or because of fear of missing out. One piece of advice I will give them is, to sometimes take a step back and think before indulging in certain activities. Introspect your actions and think about the consequences. Stop doing things out of peer pressure and start doing things your heart truly wants. Also, be real don't try to show what you are not. Don’t buy things to show off. Just be real and authentic. Focus on learning.

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