
In Conversation With Anamika Yaduvanshi -Motivational Coach /Speaker

Q1 What was the objective behind launch of THP (Transformation of Homemakers Program) ?

Ans : Basically homemakers take care of everyone in the family but they put themselves at the last in the priority list. Being a homemaker as it is, is a thankless profession as many think it does not require a skill to be a homemaker. Because of that homemakers are most neglected ones in the middle class families and sadly, they are also constantly going through major emotional problems like self doubt, fear, anger and other extreme emotions as their emotional needs are not addressed forget about being fulfilled. Before the pandemic also, homemakers were going through tough times as often they don’t know how to express themselves so they end up feeling unimportant. Also, their financial dependence on the spouse or others makes things worse as they loose the decision making power.

During the pandemic, things became worse as due to lock down everyone was at home and all the pressure came on homemakers as no outside food is allowed, domestic helps are not allowed but kitchen had to work 24 X 7 as everyone had different working hours. Work for homemakers increased multiple fold. Cleaning, cooking and other things to be done with other emotional pressures as everyone was at home, no one could get a breather, there was anxiety, arguments and conflicts. Divorce rate increased as during the pandemic there was friction about the laundry, cooking, financial insecurity, children homeschooling and multiple other things. So homemakers didn’t know where to vent out and how to find a life purpose. So, I thought of a program in which I worked with various homemakers going through trouble in their homes. I worked on their personal transformation with the help of working on their confidence, ways to make them financially independent and handling emotions as it is very important to work on oneself if you want to change your life. So, this program is about personal development of homemakers so that they become best version of themselves.

Q2 How did your campaign help women/ homemakers during the pandemic?

Ans. I gave online sessions to homemakers in which I worked on their emotional goals, health goals and then later on their financial goals. I believe that when we have a purpose in our life,

then we live our life with more enthusiasm and energy. Generally, home makers feel that their sole purpose in life is to feed the family and take care of their home and other family members and in the process if they feel emotionally drained and exhausted, they have no right to work on themselves. I feel the aviation emergency rule applies here as well that if homemakers are able to keep them happy first then surely they can keep their family happy. So, during my sessions the homemakers found out their goals- short term and long term. These goals were not suggested by me but they came out as a result of getting these women to do self brainstorming. Multiple tools and exercises are used to discover what is it that troubles, how can that be fixed and then came the purpose. After the three month of intense discovery sessions twice a week, it gave sweet results and many of the homemakers were transformed. They could now see themselves beyond the role that they play in the family.

Q3 How can a life coaching program like yours help homemakers in the future, post Covid-19?

Ans Basically, my program “ transformation of homemakers” is to help the homemakers take their goals seriously and work on them. As to transform they have to work on their mindset, habits and emotions. Once they are transformed their next goal, if they want, can be to gain financial independence. If, like this, I am able to transform every homemaker in our country and this transformed homemakers can contribute a lot in their family wealth and also in GDP of our nation.

Q4 What are the types of problems you mostly found that these homemakers faced during the pandemic?

Ans. During the Pandemic because of the fear of the virus, financial insecurities and the lock down, there was tense atmosphere in most of the households and the homemakers had to face conflicts with the family members and workload. So, they were emotionally low, overwhelmed, felt as a victim and unimportant in their lives. When they started sessions with me, they discovered how they can detach themselves from the emotional drama and practice communication. I gave them tools to boost their confidence and gave them exercises through which they were able to see in a realistic manner rather than taking everything personal. Slowly and gradually, with lot of hardwork and persistence, I could bring out the desired change in them.

Q5 How does the family benefit from this program?

Ans. Everybody’s physical and emotional health depends on the atmosphere of the family. If the lady of the house is calm, balanced and at peace among the chaos that everybody else in the family might be going through, it gives immense strength to the family to stay strong and fight the odds. When she is happy, she is able to spread happiness, love, peace and joy in the family and everybody benefits by staying in a positive and peaceful environment.

Q6 What are your future plans for the program?

Ans. I aspire to take this program to every city and village of our country. As in metro cities homemakers are still in a better situation but in small towns and villages, they don’t understand the meaning of self care and self goals. They always think about themselves from the perspective of the family and in the process if they have to sacrifice their own dreams and mental peace, it does not affect them . Many females go into depression not realizing living under continuous emotional stress and pressure which causes anxiety, depression and OCD. However, if they give some importance to self goals and and work on themselves as per my program, multiple mental and emotional issues can be avoided.

Q7 Do you wish to take this program to an international level?

Ans. Yes, absolutely. However, I might slightly change the approach of the program as in other western countries, most women are working outside to earn a living however their household duties are not shared to the extent that they should be. There is lot of stress in maintaining work and personal life balance. Also, Muslim women from other countries can benefit a lot from my program as I have specially designed it for the women to gain confidence and self independence.

Q8 How has your journey been as an International Certified Transformation Coach and speaker?

Ans. I got my certification from ICF ( International Coaching Federation).My journey has been very challenging so far as in India, Coaching is a developing concept. People go to astrologers, numerologists and other Priests for achieving their goals, they think only some planets, numbers or God can help them to achieve their goals. Very few realize that God helps those who help themselves and if they wish to achieve their goals, they must work hard to achieve them. Even before I started my practice as a coach, I was and still am indulged in social service in the field of women empowerment through my registered trust named Astitva Mujhse Meri Pehchan.

That experience with homemaker beneficiaries prompted me to get formal training as a Transformation coach as I found it a universal truth that homemakers everywhere are self brewing with their unique problem of thankless behavior. Now, people could see results in their lives. That gave me faith and confidence that people can come out of superstitions and be goal oriented and work hard to achieve them.

As a motivational speaker, I regularly post motivational videos on my you tube channel and other social media platforms to increase awareness about issues involving homemakers and cognitive behavior and mental health.

Q9 What is your advice to other women who are still stuck and feel emotionally low and do not have any purpose in their lives?

Ans. Any ship without a captain is destined to sink in the ocean as it has no one to give direction to. Similarly, if one has no purpose in life then that life is meaning less and it is bound to be unhappy. However, if you have a purpose in life then your life is what you want it to be. Be happy first to make others happy.

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