
Is It Okay To Quit For Happiness?

You have heard the age-old saying that, “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” By just saying "never give up" without delving deeper, you have a one-sided view of the picture.

You may want to consider revising that rule. If the peg of 'happiness' is missing how will your life stand? One of the main issues in our robotic existence today is that we aren't investigating our thinking enough. We have actually stopped actively thinking. We are okay with being neutral. Happiness and joy have been pushed out of the window.

This one-sided script adds a lot of baggage to the person on their way out. An important point to ponder is that, how often do we bow to society’s traditional quips? The layers of societal conditioning.

The notion of "not giving up" doesn't apply to everything. There are situations in your life where it is essential for you to extract yourself from a situation for your own wellbeing. Quitting or giving up at that point can be positive. It is positive to the extent that you give up on the right things.

In fact, giving up something that doesn’t serve you anymore can be the first and most important step to help you finally succeed. Reaching a point of making this choice is also daunting.

Change can be frightening. Not only that but the social conditioning that we have been saddled with makes one feel that quitting equals failure—especially if you've invested a lot of effort or time into an endeavour.

The important question then is what is it ok to quit. Here are 5 situations where you should consider quitting for the sake of happiness and success:

1. It’s okay to quit a less effective system for a more efficient system

For example, updating an operating system, moving from print to completely online, etc.

2. Sometimes it's letting go of your time to gain a new skill

When a skill set becomes redundant you need to upgrade. In the face of tools to better your self, it’s ok to part with that precious commodity time.

3. Sometimes it's letting go of a relationship so that you can start nurturing another

Usually, an unhealthy relationship is also because we know no other way and fear the uncertainty of the future and end up staying involved despite the personal costs one has to bear. In the face of toxicity, it is imperative to quit. There is nothing above happiness and peace of mind.

4. Letting go of a habit to make room for a new one

Human beings are creatures of habit, making room for new ones to improve your wellbeing.

5. Its okay to quit your job when your overall wellbeing is being compromised

People resign to their fate both personally and professionally. If you are not feeling happy at work there is no way your personal relationships can flourish. At such times it is important to communicate with your superiors authentically. If the outcome is still not favourable then taking the call of quitting is justified. Happiness is paramount.

Life is a roller coaster, learning to take the good with bad and not bailing is key.

The question is when to take a stand for "Happiness."

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