
Journey Of Happiness: Navigating Paths To Wellbeing

The pursuit of happiness often feels like a distant destination. Yet, within the realm of wellbeing, happiness is not merely a fleeting emotion but a profound journey

Recently at a keynote address by Dr. Aditi Govitrikar, Medical Doctor, Psychologist & Founder, Marvellous Mrs India, she started by saying that “When I do workshops, I ask people what they want from life. Most of the people say that they want happiness and peace. I beg to differ as happiness cannot be there all the time.” She explained that in life there are always unhappy phases, but what we need to do is pull ourselves back into happiness.

She added by saying, “The pandemic made us lose many of our loved ones, and there was immense grief. But even in that phase many people thrived. The science behind it is that everyone faced Covid but some people managed to deal with it positively. There is nothing as negative or positive and we are the ones who actually create those emotions.” She believes that when faced with grief we need to come out of it. She feels we need to go through a negative event by treating it as a failure as also converting it into a learning experiencing. Maximum growth comes after failure and we need to learn from it, is what she practices.

According to her, spirituality is being with ourselves. We are going away from ourselves with too usage of social media. Hence we need to work on all aspects of our wellbeing. Loneliness is a killer for wellbeing is what she said towards the end of her address.


Kavi Bhandari

BW Reporters Editorial lead — BW Wellbeing

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