
Let’s Unleash Inner And Mental Peace Even When There Is Slightest Ray Of Hope

The Wuhan virus or COVID-19 indulged people into turmoil and is still continuing to do the same. Be it physically or mentally, each and every individual has experienced distress and pain. But now is the time to turn misery into subtleness and staying calm, we need to lace up together and form a strong bond of care and love.  

According to the statistics, in America, there are 60,282,618 confirmed cases, 50,075,398 are reported in Europe. In South-East Asia 18,891,620 cases, in Eastern Mediterranean, the data was 8,668,953 of confirmed ones, Africa had 3,249,234 in number and Western Pacific announced 2,277,10 cases. The number is mushrooming each second and the scenario is undoubtedly alarming.  

But is this the time to worry about the numbers? One part says 'yes' and another says 'no', now you must be wondering what a stupid statement. As it is crystal clear that everyone should be worried about the data and rising number of cases, and what else could be more significant at this point. Before you pass a judgment, let me keep my chunk of opinion. I believe that what is happening is miserable and woeful, nonetheless, we are in dire need of posing focus on mental health as well. As the numbers are not on our hands, but the precautions are, we can play our part in the role. A large chunk of mankind has got stuck in the trap of a vicious state of depression, anxiety, stress, etc. There is no denying the fact that there have been large wholes in the pockets and even that is one of the reasons for affecting the mental peace of everyone. Human beings are suffering from social, mental, physical, and economic anguish. 

No matter what we don’t have to break into pieces instead if we stay strong mentally then we can fight every situation and can overcome every and any situation. This is the time we commence initiating a conversation, even a little care and affection can do wonders, it can turn tables within a short span of time, coronavirus has laid a huge impact on the minds of people.

Teenagers, children, adults, and senior citizens, people of all age groups, class, groups, communities, races, etc. have to come as one and lace up into one strand. I have always said this and will say all my life that we have to show humankind a new side of love, care and empathy and set a great example for our future generations. 


Nabhit Kapur

Guest Author The author is a globally renowned Psychologist He is Ambassador for mental health; Founder President - PeacfulMind Foundation

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