
Mindfulness tips to cope with Coronavirus

All across the globe, humanity is busy waging a war against Coronavirus disease. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus which causes respiratory illness with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. Social isolation in the form of a lockdown has been implemented in many countries. This is due to the nature of the infection, it spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. During this time we are all cooped up indoors continuously; how we act, react and respond to the situation will determine our very future. Therefore it is important that we apply the practice of mindfulness to our daily lives, to actively shape, and guide our evolution.

How you engage with the current moment using awareness can be described and defined as mindfulness. Are you attuned to your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and the surrounding environment? By paying attention to the present moment, it is known to improve your mental wellbeing. And when you are mentally healthy, strong, and resilient it gets reflected to your physical state as well. Here are some ways in which you can inculcate mindfulness during this period of Social Isolation, and Social Distancing.

Observe yourself – Thoughts, speech and action

It is important to maintain a dispassionate view in this process of observation. Mindfulness can therefore teach you the quality of acceptance. This means you cannot assign a value of morality to your observations, i.e., there is no good or bad. Everything is viewed with the lens of impartial equality. Through this process, as we practice mindfulness, even our moods do not influence this act of witnessing. This slowly enforces the habit of sensing, and connecting to the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. Start this art of mindfulness by being gentle on yourself. This is the only thing that can promise sustainability of an action till it becomes habit. 

Bring positivity within you and your surrounding

When we talk about mindful well-being, it is mainly about acknowledging the importance of your mental well-being. After all, mindfulness is an exploration of the strategies and practices that can help you make positive changes in your life. It is the adoption of good thoughts, and the ensuing good habits that come from a place of self-respect and self-love. Allow mindfulness to add value to your life and with this positive sense of self results in increased productivity in all spheres of life, creativity, and soul satisfaction. Practise simple techniques of meditation, and mindful awareness, and use them as tools for your self-transformation.

Pay attention to your senses

Mindfulness asks us to pay attention to every small detail that lie both within and outside of us. Even external sensations such as sounds, sights, and touch that make up the present moment. The best thing about mindfulness and meditation is that it does not ask for us to change. It simply improves our well-being, and contributes to a satisfied life.

Practice Goal-setting

Learn a new skill, enrol for an online program to learn a new language perhaps, or join an online reading community.  Share your niche interest whatever it is with your virtual community of people who share your passion. This is the perfect time to use these networks to engage around what matters most to you. If you are a practitioner of yoga, share your knowledge on any online platform, useful tips, and exercises, breathing techniques or meditation practices that can benefit those who are seeking help. In this way you are keeping yourself productively occupied, and also helping others cope during these stressful times. Set realistic and manageable goals that motivate you towards your health and wellbeing. And, of course be sure that you're enjoying the process.

Make time for Yoga

Your time on your mat every day is an attempt to achieve a state of joy, contentment and bliss. Yoga helps you create these positive emotions deep in yourself without the need for any external circumstances, situations or people. There is no difficulty which cannot be overcome as long as we learn to build on our innate qualities of strength, positivity and harmony. Involve your family if you live with them, and allow this collective wellness, positivity and hope to see you through to the other side of this global pandemic. 


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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