
Personal Growth And The Importance Of Walking Alone

We are all born with a mission and want success, whether it is to become an acclaimed scientist, an effective animal welfare officer, a successful teacher, a mother, a yogi or a trippy hippy traversing through life, surfing and searching. No mission is bigger or smaller than the other, we can only hope that we are faced with the path of least resistance. The trail which leads to our evolution and personal growth.

Life is beautiful but it is long and at times arduous. Along the way, we meet people who are well wishers, and then those who are our detractors. Both can teach us meaningful lessons. Sometimes exhilarating lessons and sometimes harsh realities.

One of the most painful truths of life is that we are born alone and we die alone. So the sooner we embrace this reality, the sooner we can make peace with ourselves. When there is peace, there is the absence of dissonance, when there is the absence of dissonance, the chances of personal growth and success are higher.

Hence it is important to be cognisant of the energies that we invite into our lives, yet be open minded. There is beauty in fluidity and openness of mind, who doesn’t love staring at the ocean.
So listen to peoples views, but be cognisant of what you imbibe. What we imbibe becomes a part of our repertoire.

Carefully sieve information and view it through your own lense. The lense that keeps you sane and is concurrent with your belief system.

If we sweep and decorate our belief system often, we can become self-dependent(different from independent) and learn to walk alone we will be far more at peace. It is the seed for evolution and personal growth.

Remember to remain the master of your thoughts. You alone are the best judge for your reality.

Walking alone, with reliance on self and least amount of expectations from people around us ensures more harmony.

On your journey, many people will join you and many will leave you. Do not get attached to the person or an outcome. As Tagore said, “Everything comes to us that belongs to us.”

So go on spreading, giving, sharing in your life, and leave fond memories in the hearts and minds of others.

Live with the brightness of memories as we do not know as at what time we enter the evening of life.

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