
Refractive Errors In Children

Ayurvedic approaches to Myopia, Hyperopia, and Astigmatism are explained in this article

Refractive errors are among the most common vision problems in children, affecting their ability to see clearly and potentially impacting their academic performance and overall development. The three main types of refractive errors are myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (distorted vision). While conventional treatments like glasses, contact lenses, and surgery are widely used, Ayurvedic approaches offer natural, holistic alternatives that focus on balancing the body’s energies and promoting overall eye health. 


Types of Refractive Errors 


  • Myopia (Nearsightedness): This condition makes it difficult to see distant objects clearly due to an elongation of the eyeball or excessive curvature of the cornea. 

  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness): This occurs when nearby objects appear blurry, typically due to shorter-than-normal eyeballs or a flatter cornea. 

  • Astigmatism: In this refractive error, the cornea becomes irregularly shaped, leading to blurred or distorted vision at all distances. 


Ayurvedic Perspective 


Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views refractive errors as imbalances in the doshas, particularly Pitta and Vata. According to Ayurvedic principles: 

  • Myopia: This condition is linked to an imbalance in the Pitta dosha, which leads to excess heat and strain in the eyes. 

  • Hyperopia: This is associated with a Vata dosha imbalance, resulting in dryness and weakening of the eye muscles. 

  • Astigmatism: Astigmatism involves a combination of Pitta and Vata imbalances, affecting both the shape and clarity of vision. 


Ayurvedic Approaches for Treatment 


1. Herbal Remedies: 

  • Triphala: A combination of three fruits—Amalaki, Haritaki, and BibhitakiTriphala is known to promote eye health and improve vision. It can be taken internally or used as an eyewash. 

  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): Known for its therapeutic properties, Punarnava helps reduce eye strain and inflammation. 

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Rich in Vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant, Amla supports overall eye health. 


2. Dietary Modifications: 


  • Pitta-Balancing Foods: Incorporating cooling foods like cucumber, coriander, and leafy greens can help reduce Pitta-related eye issues. 

  • Vata-Balancing Foods: Warm, nourishing foods like ghee, almonds, and sesame seeds strengthen the eye muscles and prevent dryness. 


3. Eye Exercises: 


  • Palming: Rubbing the palms together and placing them over closed eyes helps relax the eye muscles. 

  • Focus Shifting: Practicing shifting focus from a close object to a distant one improves accommodation and flexibility in the eye muscles. 


4. Nasya Therapy: 


  • Nasya (Nasal Drops): Applying medicated oil or ghee in the nostrils helps improve eye health by balancing the doshas. 


5. Netra Basti: 


  • Netra Basti: This Panchakarma therapy involves pouring warm medicated ghee over the eyes to nourish and rejuvenate them. It is highly effective at reducing eye strain and improving overall vision power. 


6. Lifestyle Recommendations: 


  • Proper Lighting: Encourage children to read and do homework in well-lit environments to reduce eye strain. 

  • Screen Time Management: Limit digital device usage and encourage regular breaks to prevent eye fatigue. 


7. Yoga and Meditation: 


  • Trataka (Gazing Meditation): Focusing on a small object or a flame improves concentration and strengthens the eye muscles. 

  • Pranayama (Breathing Exercises): Practices like Anulom Vilom and Brahmari reduce stress and improve oxygen flow to the eyes. 

Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to managing refractive errors in children. By opting for herbal remedies, dietary changes, eye exercises, and specific Ayurvedic therapies, parents can support their children’s eye health naturally. Through these holistic practices, Ayurvedic medicine aims to balance the body’s energies, promoting overall well-being and clearer vision for children. 



Dr. Mandeep Singh Basu

Guest Author Director-Dr. Basu Eye Hospital

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