
Screen time boosting the business of eyecare

The Covid-19 pandemic as we all know has changed the face of our planet with an impactful hit towards mankind. Children have been forced to attend classes online, and hence they are exposed to too much screen time due to watching television also or playing video games for hours. This is very harmful for their and even our sensitive eyes. Some of them have had to attend online counselling sessions due to an effect on their mental health. Teleconsultation and telemedicine are the new methods of interacting for talk therapy with psychologists/ psychiatrists, or for other purposes such as even talking to their friends just to make the conversations more personalized. 

There has been a vast difference in children's eyesight since before the pandemic as compared to the present situation. Due to this, a lot of children have started using spectacles and this business has taken a big leap in the present situation. Talking about spectacles, Sanjiv Kumar Gupta, CEO, Vision Rx Lab, said “It is surely rising with all the usage of digital devices, laptops, mobile phones, iPads, also watching television, screens of video games, emit a lot of blue light. A bandwidth of blue light which has high energy (lower wavelength up to 420 nm (nanometers)) is harmful to the eyes, causing eye strain and fatigue. That is why after research and development Vision RX Lab has found a solution to this. We have Blumax spectacle lenses, which can filter the harmful blue light and provide seamless strain free vision to users. These lenses also filter out harmful UV rays from the sun, so it gives protection both indoors and outdoors.”

On one hand screen time keeps the children occupied hence helping their emotional and mental health, but on the other hand weakens their eyesight. Thinking of it in terms of eye healthcare, they are indulging in more screen time due to a rise in depression and other mental disorders. Hence, the parents don’t stop them, but at the end of the day, their eyes are affected. Even their mental health is normal in many cases because of this screen time. Their minds are distracted from the situation and are occupied with their studies and fun (television and video games). That is the only boon. The spectacles industry is flourishing due to this. 

Diverting one’s mind and being busy is a good thing, but anything in excess is not good. This is what is happening for real and there doesn’t seem to be a way out. The effect to their vision is not the only drawback. Headaches and fatigue are also symptoms of harmful effects to eyesight. Too much screen time for extended periods can cause concentration difficulties. Sometimes, some children might use screen devices in a less lit up area, causing fatigue due to squinting. Children have been complaining about refractive errors, redness, dryness, itchiness and sore eyes at present.

“I can speak regarding my experience over the last 16 months. Essentially the progression of myopia has probably increased 10-20%. More children are being detected with low myopia because of the additional strain of excessive computer usage whereby they start complaining of headaches and eye aches and are brought to an eye clinic. Previously if children or young adults managed with not wearing a minimal power, now with everything being online including entertainment their eyes seem to need that refractive error correction,” said Dr. Nandini Ray, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Radiant Eye Foundation, Kolkata. 

She also said that, “The demand for special computer glasses to reduce ‘radiation’ from computer screens has increased which means even if there is a minimal 0.25 Dioptre power, this is incorporated into this essential protective eyewear which would have been ignored otherwise. Computer vision syndrome or CVS along with eye strain, dry eyes etc. is making otherwise asymptotic patients come forward needing new prescriptions, correction of power or appreciating an escalation of power. Theoretically lack of outdoor sports in bright sunlight which has a proven effect on slowing the progression of myopia, can be a reason why there may be a slight increase in myopic error. As far as hypermetropia or plus power patients especially children can complain of headaches after excessive computer usage. There may be eye movement disorders like phorias or convergence weakness for which orthoptics is needed with wearing of previously neglected power.”

On a conclusive note, we can say that a lot of children, teenagers especially, are needing spectacles during this pandemic, due to weakening eyesight. This is not something that can be stopped but reduced screen time may help them a lot. On an average they are spending 8 hours of screen time at minimum on a daily basis. This has increased the business of eye care. 

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