
The benefits of yoga

Acharya Advait Yogbhushanji, Luminary Yogi, Founder AHimalayan Yogi Institute, Vedic Science Teacher said that the number of people who are regularly practicing yoga are not getting easily infected by Covid-19 (in the majority of the cases) as they are into Ayurveda, drinking herbal concoctions, and are doing breathing exercises and many other things. He also said that asanas are very good for the body. Something that is happening with asanas, pranayama, meditation practices is just the expansion of the chest. “We have to encourage the importance of expansion of the ribs which is very important.” He went on to say that if we have shortness in breath, or we are not inhaling properly, or if our lungs are not activated to that extent which is required there is an obvious problem. “For example, if a person has a Lamborghini car and another a Nano, then just using this as an example of people’s bodies, if we put the same amount of fuel or type of fuel in both these the Lamborghini will probably not move whilst the Nano will go a long way.” It depends on the kind of industry one is in, the kind of work he or she does, activities that they practice etc. it is decided that for a particular person what kind of practices in yoga are needed. If a person is insecure, not creative to his or her potential, the mind is not present in the now the person needs to start working on his or her rib cage, the expansion of it. Hence, practices will be required and most importantly having the right kind of posture of our spinal cord will be required.

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