
The Disposable Income Of The Average Indian Woman Has Also Increased: Veer Ramlugon, Founder, The Food Analysts

Till quite recently no matter how successful a woman was, she would put her needs second to her family and/ or partners. Filling in the shoes of all stereotypes effortlessly to the "T".

A new generation of women is emerging who is slowly learning to treat herself well too.

Veer Ramlugon, the founder and owner of the innovative WhatsApp-based human calorie counting service, The Food Analysts has noticed that, "As India’s economy continues to grow, the disposable income of the average Indian woman has also increased. This has had a direct correlation to the amount of time and money which women are willing to spend on looking and feeling good.”

According to Veer, “Whilst most of us tend to focus purely on the daily calories intake, the most effective diets will focus on 3 points:

(1) Total Calories intake

(2) Macro-nutrients split of each meal - i.e. the percentage of fats, carbs, and proteins that make up the total calories

(3) Meal timings'

He believes that, “What really matters is eating the right amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates at the right time of the day. However, given how hectic our lives have become, its only natural that food coaching services that monitors all your meals are quickly becoming the new trend. Women who want to lose weight quickly and in a healthy way need to have a food coach that can break down every meal into its macro-nutrients and keep a tab throughout the day. This scientifically ensures that the client is eating enough, and has the right proportion of fats, carbs, and proteins to lose weight in the fastest and most effective way possible."

The key word here is “healthy.”

Shradha Khanna, Head Nutritionist, The Food Analysts is of the firm belief that, “ A women's health decides the health of the family and the nation. Healthy eating serves as a huge support for woman's health.”

Shradha highlights that, “A macro balanced meal is extremely important to overcome problems of PMS. Low glycemic index carbs like ragi, jowar, oats are important to keep hormones in sync with your metabolism. Calcium and vitamin D rich dairy foods must be a part of daily meals to keep bones strong. Including Leafy greens and seasonal vegetables rich in phytonutrients are known for its anti-aging qualities. Nuts, oilseeds, dairy and seafood which are high in fatty acids and vitamin E helps to burn fat around the waistline and keeps up the glow. Most importantly staying away from any large calorie cuts, fat and sugar combination foods that is the trigger point for insulin resistance assures a healthy, toned and disease free body"

We are what we eat, at every level. Having a holistic approach to wellness is the most effective.

Mansi Chaudhary Certified Nutritionist & a Diabetes Educator is part of the new crop of nutritionists who believes in an integrative holistic approach to help her clients learn about Mindful Eating and manage lifestyle diseases, autoimmune conditions as well as achieve weight-loss.

Chaudhary feels that, “Being a woman is much tougher in today’s world and hence, it’s all the more important that women look after their health & wellness.”

Mansi's guidelines for today’s women are:

- "Whether you are a homemaker or a working woman, never compromise on your nutrition. Do not skip meals. Try and take out small intervals of even 10-15 minutes and eat fruit/ nuts/ dry fruits as snacks. Also eat, when you are hungry. Do not push it to a later slot.

- Though all vitamins & minerals are important for women, they should avoid being deficient in iron, calcium, Vit D and B vitamins. Supplements like Evening primrose oil, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Methi(fenugreek) offer health-restoring benefits.

- Try and minimize intake of processed foods and have more real food. Eat more natural food instead of packaged foods. Your children and future generations will follow your food rules. Also, try and buy your vegetables & fruits at least once a fortnight, if not weekly.

On this women’s day, women should pledge to invest in themselves on an ongoing basis, like a recurring FD!

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