The Hidden Obstacles: Unlocking Wealth, Health and Relationships

When you attempt to build your dreams and desires on a flawed subconscious blueprint, they may eventually falter, leading to frustration and resignation

If you feel like you are in a constant tug-of-war with the Universe, always on the receiving end and unable to achieve impactful results despite your best efforts, it’s time to break free from these recurring patterns, which has been imprinted on your subconscious mind.

Robin Sharma’s profound insight, 'Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality,' served as the catalyst for Ravi’s journey to becoming an Mind Architect, as it fueled his mission to help people re-design their minds to achieve breakthrough results, a passion which he has been pursuing for past two decades.

Are we puppets on invisible strings?

Ravi explains that our subconscious mind’s blueprint gets flawed and distorted during early stages of our life, typically between the ages of zero to nine, as it gets programmed with negative beliefs and patterns.

As a result, from adolescence through adulthood, despite consistent efforts and hard work, many people struggle to break free from cycles of suffering, be it money, health, relationships, or any other aspect of life, without much success.

Imagine trying to construct a skyscraper using a flawed blueprint. It wouldn't stand in the first place, and if it did, it would likely collapse eventually, wouldn't it?

Likewise, when you attempt to build your dreams and desires on a flawed subconscious blueprint, they struggle to take shape and may eventually falter, leading to frustration and resignation.

So, the big question you might ask is, "How can we rewrite these programs and alter the sub-conscious mind blueprint to create the destiny we desire?"

Well, you might find the answer in Ravi’s book, "Weekend Miracle," an Amazon Best Seller. This testimonial captures the essence of the book-

“Ravi’s book ‘Weekend Miracle’ is literally a transformative mini workshop. It serves as a step-by-step guide to unlocking the power of your sub-conscious mind and breaking through barriers.” – Anil G Verma, Executive Director and CEO, Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Co. Ltd.,

Ravi applied the techniques from this book to program and empower his mind and successfully complete an ultra-marathon, which earned him a place in the Guinness World Records. Therefore, anyone who is intentional and determined can replicate the magic and create new possibilities in life, using this book.

Do we inherit sufferings as a result of Karmic Debts from our previous life?

Here’s how Ravi explains this, “Consider this hypothetical situation - Early in the day, a cop is chasing a burglar who was involved in a day-light robbery, but the burglar manages to escape. Later, at a party in the evening, the cop spots the burglar again, but now he is well-attired like a gentleman. When confronted, the burglar says, “Well, this morning I was dressed like a burglar, but now I’m dressed differently, so you should forget and forgive the crime I committed.” If like the cop, you too are surprised and see no logic in this, then you’ve got the answer.”

Our body is like a uniform, and on a spirit level we choose the body to inhabit. However, all the good or bad karma we accumulate in a lifetime is attached to our spirit. Thus, regardless of the body we occupy (which serves as a new uniform), karma follows us.

These words are from an eminent scientist, endorsing Ravi’s research and work on this subject.

“I have witnessed Ravi seamlessly blend science, spirituality, and psychology in his Millionaires Mind Blueprint Workshop, and it is truly captivating. Whether it's releasing limiting money energy blocks to attract abundance, achieving breakthroughs in relationships, or transitioning from illness to wellness, this master workshop encompasses it all.” -Dr. Ravi Margasahayam, Global Ambassador, NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA.

How does one break free from this vicious loop and thrive?

According to Ravi, "Re-programming the subconscious mind involves two essential steps: deleting old programs or suggestions that no longer serve you and reprogramming it with new and empowering suggestions and instructions, that propel you towards your goals."

Ravi employs various tools with his clients, one of them being ‘Access Consciousness’, application of which activates 32 points on the head corresponding to areas such as Money, Power, Communication, Awareness, Creativity, Manifestation, Kindness, Hope, and Dreams.

As an NLP Practitioner, he utilises techniques such as Anchoring, Reframing Language Patterns and Visualisation.

Using these methods, Ravi has positively impacted over 25,000 lives through his various live and virtual workshops, serving clients such as Godrej Agrovet Limited, US Consulate General, Shoppers Stop, Huntsman Corporation, KD Logistics, Aditya Birla, and many others.

To learn more about Ravi’s work in this space, please visit or contact him at


Ravi Nair

Guest Author Founder & CEO – Rich Minds Centre of Excellence

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