The spiritual path is a path of self-discovery, of not only personal growth and evolution but a path of transformation and ultimately, a metamorphosis. It leads us to our ultimate destination, Enlightenment, Liberation, Moksha. On the spiritual path, we realize the truth. We realize who we are — not the body, mind and ego, but the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. We are a part of the Supreme Immortal Power we call God. We realize that God is everywhere and in everything. Hence, the spiritual wisdom we attain from our realizations as we move ahead on the spiritual path, changes our paradigm of life. It changes our perspective, our relationships, the way we live — it changes everything not just for the better, but so to speak, for the best. It leads us to Everlasting Peace, Divine Love and Eternal Happiness.
When we talk of taking the spiritual path, we talk of a path that is less traveled. It all begins with a quest — a search for the truth, for answers. It is driven by an intense love and yearning for the Divine, the Supreme Immortal Power. We begin with asking — who am I? Why am I born? Who is God? Where is God? Then we investigate our findings and finally, we realize the truth. The spiritual path is beyond religion. Religion is only a kindergarten. It is spirituality that reveals the truth.
It is the several realizations that we have and it is the wisdom from these realizations that is integrated into our daily life. We realize that we come with nothing and we depart with nothing — then why do we say, ‘me, my and mine?’ Nothing belongs to us. Therefore, we step back from the rat race. We realize that material things can never give us joy and happiness. Everything is transient. Even relationships. We learn to live with detachment. We realize that the world is a show and we are actors who come and go. That everything that unfolds in life is a result of our Karma. Thus when confronted by suffering, we don’t cry or ask why, but rejoice because we know that our Karma is being negated.
The spiritual path helps us realize our true self — we are the Soul. We transcend the body, mind and ego and are free from cravings, desires. We are liberated from the suffering of the body, the misery of the mind and the agony of the ego. We no longer live with greed but are content fulfilling our need. We live with acceptance and surrender. We realize that death is not the end but a bend to transcend. Either we are reborn if we are not enlightened with the truth or if we realize the truth, we are liberated and united with the Divine. We realize that God is not a person or a saint, but a power. A power that is everywhere and in everyone, not just in a temple or a shrine. We realize that only God is, everything else is an illusion. This impacts the way we treat people - we go beyond the skin and see the Divine within. We love one and all as God.
The spiritual path awakens us to the truth of this world. We live in the state of Consciousness, in Yoga, ever connected with the Divine. We live as an instrument of the Divine, in Consciousness of the truth, which is state of bliss — a state called Satchitananda.