
Things To Consider Before Giving Up

Throwing your socks in is not easy but its definitely easier than sticking it out. So before you decide to take the grave step of finally throwing the towel in you may want to pause and take a step back to identify the reasons why you want to give up. People want to give up driven by different motivations.

A few things to consider before you give up:

Do not mistake lessons as failure

Sometimes going through the motion of things is very important. The end goal may not be accomplished but lessons are invaluable. See the roadblocks you hit as lessons.

Do evaluate your level of discipline

Invest judiciously in whatever you are doing. Dreams take hard work, dedication, and determination. Ensure that you have done your bit before you decide to give up.

It is all about how you give meaning to the chatter in your head. Thoughts only get wings when you attribute value to them. Your mindset is in your hands. Shifting this is key to keeping up the motivation you need when the going gets tough. This is why it’s important to realize why you shouldn’t give in and give up.

There is no such thing as instant success

Today's generation is driven largely by instant gratification and wants everything at the press of a button.

Often, looking longly at others who succeeded assuming that they got success overnight.

Overnight success is a myth. It is the journey where the magic happens and makes your end goal even sweeter.

Sometimes we resist change

Be open to change along the way. Sometimes things don’t shape up the way you expected them to or envisioned them. Be willing to embrace changes in direction and tweaking of ideas. It is all part of the game. Not necessarily a sign of “it's not going to work out.”

It might organically evolve into something even better than what you envisioned.

Life and success lie on the other side of fear. Just push that extra mile right before you want to give up. It may surprise you.

Question your mindset

The journey is far more important than the outcome. Do not underestimate the importance of the journey. Immense growth happens if you focus on the moment and enjoy the ride and not set your eyes on the target at the end alone.

Ensure that you are not self-sabotaging and foreseeing failure

Do not allow limiting beliefs or lack of self-belief to creep in and sabotage your success.

Often we put these spokes in our own wheels because we are scared of what success may bring.

Question the approach

Sometimes the approach that you are using may be wrong. Maybe what you are approaching can simply be resolved by trying a different approach.

There are a hundred more avenues that your mind may not have opened up to.

Be open to other approaches and be willing to change your perspective.

Question the element of regret

Ask yourself if you will look back at your decision and think “what if?”

Before you quit your dream just imagine how your life could transform and where you could be in a year, two years or five years.

Don’t give your future self the chance to become regretful because of the one decision you make in the present moment.

Make fear and struggle your friend. Struggle builds character. It’s there to teach you.

Start viewing struggle as a blessing on your road to great success.

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