
Tips For Deteriorated Mental health During Work From Home

Work from home culture is not new, but it has become more prevalent since the covid 19 pandemic to keep the country's economy on track. It was implemented with full effect during the coronavirus pandemic, but now work from the office is slowly resuming. Although still some people are doing work from home. In such a situation, they are also facing mental stress.

Employees who are working from home are facing physical and mental stress along with work, which is very important to deal with. Doctors tell that due to too much work in work from home and not enough time to complete the work, mental stress can occur. In such a situation, it is very important to remove the physical and mental stress of the employees working from home, as it can prove to be quite dangerous.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Shali Srinivas, Assistant Manager at Clarks Exotica said that a person suffers from physical and mental stress throughout his life. The best way to deal with it is through meditation, yoga, etc.

Massage can relieve stress

Different types of massage help in coping with stress in different ways. For example, an aromatherapy that treats with different types of aromatic oil helps in improving blood circulation, firming the skin, improving sleep quality and reducing stress and anxiety.

There is a treatment by dripping lukewarm oil on the forehead which helps in relieving stress, migraine and insomnia. While spa therapy is a great way to de-stress and get instant relief, it is also quite important to engage in daily physical activities like gyming, cycling, jogging, meditation etc.

Here's how to keep your mental fit:

1. Do Yoga and Pranayama daily

2. Prioritise tasks that have to be completed first

3. Don't work or talk about work during your downtime

4. Try to reduce your working time between 8-10 hours

5. Factor your breaks during the day

6. Practice desk yoga (simple stretch in a sitting position)

7. Make sure you are getting up from your desk every hour even for no reason

8. Meditate daily (start with 10 minutes per day)

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