
Unlocking Your Body's Essential Nutritional Needs

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) are the best way to get an idea about the nutritional requirements for maintaining a healthy mind and body

Nutrition plays a vital role in shaping our lives. In order to lead a healthy life, one must personalise nutritional choices. Our bodies undergo various changes throughout our lifecycles. Understanding these cues is crucial to ensure we provide our body with the necessary fuel for optimal functioning and avoid diseases altering our lives. 

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) are the best way to get an idea about the nutritional requirements for maintaining a healthy mind and body. RDAs and EARs have been established for the general healthy population and categorised on the basis of gender, work type and age. The table below indicates how the nutrient requirements decrease with increasing age:


Population Category

Protein (g/day)

Carbohydrates (g/day)



Calcium (mg/d)

Vitamin C (mg/d)

Boys, 16 - 18 yrs.













Girls, 16 - 18 yrs.












Recognising a child's nutritional needs

Nutrition plays a vital role in supporting rapid growth and development in children. Children require a specific balance of macronutrients and micronutrients to ensure optimal growth. Recognizing a child's bodily warning signs is crucial to meeting their nutritional needs.

For instance, Iron deficiency can be indicated by unusual cravings for ice, consuming very cold water, or eating ice. Pale skin tone can also be a common sign of anaemia. Pica is an eating disorder where children try to eat unusual objects like mud, chalk, paint etc. It indicates malnutrition and deficiency of zinc, iron, calcium etc. By understanding these nutritional needs and recognizing bodily warning signs, parents can provide children with a well-rounded diet that supports healthy growth and development.

The energy requirement in children is very high because of the high metabolic rate. Simple carbohydrates in the form of fruits and purees, bakery foods like simple glucose biscuits etc can help them to get immediate energy. It is important to keep a check on the amount of carbohydrates consumed as it could lead to overweight/ obesity.

Milk and dairy products are excellent sources of macronutrients like protein and essential micronutrients like calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D necessary for muscle and bone development. But owing to its distinct taste and odour, often children avoid consuming plain milk. Thus, supplementing milk with malt based powdered beverages which contain added dietary fibre and micronutrients like Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B complex etc. not only facilitates the consumption of milk but also aids in providing necessary nutrition for overall development. ]Vitamin C enhances iron absorption and supports immune function which can be malt-basedsourced from citrus fruits, consumed as whole or as juice. 

Maintaining optimum health in adulthood

Adulthood is a dynamic phase of life where maintaining optimum health is necessary. The balance between hunger and satiety is essential to ensure a healthy body and mind. If the balance is disturbed, it results in either being underweight or overweight which leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as that of Iron and calcium, non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, Hypertension and cardiovascular diseases etc. 

It is evident that with age metabolism decreases, and body tissues and cells reduce, lowering mobility, and overall strength. Consuming a balanced meal and particularly on dietary fibers can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Additionally, proteins play a crucial role in maintaining overall health by repairing cells, tissues, and muscles. Special emphasis on micronutrient calcium, its absorption to support bone anabolism. Importantly, a balanced meal is not just about consuming more food, but rather focusing on variety to reap the full benefits for our overall health. Balance is the key, as it ensures we receive the necessary nutrients for optimal well-being.

Hunger is the desire for food, while satiety is feeling full. To maintain the energy balance, our body needs to balance the intake of energy (food consumption) with expenditure of energy (physical activity). Both the gut and brain work together in controlling the consumption and digestion of food. It has always been said that it is best to consume only 3/4th of the hunger. Science behind this is increased efficiency of enzymes leading to an improved metabolism. 

Details are in the caption following the image

Answers to maintain a healthy body and improve metabolism; specific strategies are mentioned in Ayurveda’s Charakasamhita adhering to Rasayana (rejuvenation) which includes elements like medication, diet, a healthy lifestyle, and a positive outlook.Adopting Ahara Rasayan, or a healthy diet that includes fortified foods, enhances the body's ability to absorb vital micronutrients, enabling one to overcome obstacles and live a long, healthy life.

To get the most from packaged foods, eat only the serving size listed and avoid eating while distracted by TV or mobile phones. Instead, focus on your food, chew slowly, and savour the taste and smell. Eat slowly, allowing your brain time to recognize when you're full, which can take at least 15 minutes. Most importantly, Stop Eating when Full. Put down your fork and glass and enjoy the company and setting for the rest of the meal. This mindful approach will help you manage fat, sugar, salt, and calories, leading to healthier eating habits.

Understanding your nutritional needs and listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues can help you maintain proper growth and development. By balancing your nutrition and embracing a holistic approach, you can improve your lifespan, resilience, and quality of life. Essentially, optimal nutrition comes from finding balance and harmony in your eating habits. 



Dr. Anju Sood

Guest Author (Clinical - Nutritionist) Founder Director, and Nutrition Advisor to IFBA

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