
Unstoppable Resilience: Rohit Bose Roy On Holistic Well-being And Mental Health

Rohit Bose Roy delved into the profound themes of resilience, personal growth, and holistic well-being

Rohit Bose Roy highlighted the essence of nurturing both mental and physical health, especially in the high-pressure environment of the entertainment industry.

Roy's podcast, "Unstoppable," serves as a platform for exploring these themes. He explained, “The main thing today, especially after trying times, is realising that self-care is not rocket science. It's very simple if you follow basic tenets.” Through his podcast, Roy aims to demystify nutrition and mental health, encouraging listeners to maintain a balanced lifestyle despite societal pressures.

Reflecting on his own life, Roy shared poignant personal experiences, such as the loss of his father at 15 and a challenging year in 2014 when he worked only nine days. These setbacks prompted a journey towards spiritual and holistic health practices. "I went into meditation and detox programs like Vipassana, which made me aware of myself. It was the biggest gift I could have given myself," he revealed.

Roy emphasised the importance of mental health and the need to destigmatise it. "India is a country where we refrain from talking about mental health issues. It’s considered a taboo to say you’re seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist. But it’s completely normal, like having a body ache or the flu," he said. He stressed that holistic well-being is synonymous with mental health, advocating for practices that ensure overall wellness.

The actor also touched on the evolving nature of relationships in contemporary society, noting a lack of open communication. "The younger generation doesn’t really vent to their best friends. They try to put their best foot forward. This guardedness can lead to mental struggles," he observed. Roy advocates for a support system where friends can openly share their problems, which he believes is therapeutic for both parties.

In concluding his thoughts on well-being, Roy stated, "Being well, mentally, physically, internally, and psychologically, is well-being. You can never be 100 per cent well, but when that machine works like a well-serviced vehicle, that is when you're truly well." His mantra of balancing ambition with compassion serves as a guiding light for many in the industry.

Roy’s heartfelt insights and dedication to promoting holistic well-being, left the audience inspired to pursue a balanced and healthier lifestyle.


Arya Rakshita

BW Reporters Trainee Correspondent

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