The current realities of lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing and of course COVID 2019 are definitely intimidating and challenging. However, many are taking this as an opportunity to retrospect, take on and fix what is wrong with us. But, here is another perspective.
You can also take this time to discover what is right with you and maximize that.
How’s that!!
It is a general human tendency that whenever asked what they would like to change in themselves, people usually talk about their weaknesses.
But that is pure sabotage. For the simple reason, because improving weaknesses takes lot of time, effort and energy with slow or fair results that may leave you stressed out and frustrated.
On the other hand, focusing on strengths is more fulfilling making you feel positive, motivated and open to learning and even thinking out-of-the box. Besides, it makes you happy.
Donald O. Clifton, renowned Psychologist and his team did years of research concluding that working on personal behavioural strengths and using them meaningfully for self-growth and greater good helps a person to lead a happy purposeful life.
And that is not all.
Since “Clarity precedes change”, he also gave a Strengths Finder Tool to help you know and discover your strengths. By defining the Strengths he helped in improving individuals, students, workplaces and teams. You can reinforce and use them to improve your career, build relationships and enjoy a happier meaningful life.
Wondering How to do that!!
You can take help of a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach who will guide you and help you in identifying your Strengths, and through an interactive online session, will take you one by one, one step at a time along a journey to self improvement through your strengths and help you maximizing your potential.
No more hard self-expectations. Just know who you are naturally and drive your forces in that one direction. Be efficient and effective in whatever you do.