
Why Isn’t The International Men’s Day Celebrated As Much As Women’s Day?

Vesna Pericevic Jacob, Holistic Fitness Expert & Author

Unfortunately, we still live in the world when women need to have their day as a reminder of a struggle for equality. Obviously, whoever can say the above, means they are not really familiar with the history, or just simply are in denial. Women across the world are still fighting for equality in all aspects of life, equal pays for equal jobs, sexual harassment, etc. Only once we have all the rights men have and there is a full equality regardless of gender and sexual orientation, then we can have commemorated both holidays equally.

Aparna Maroo Jain, Co-founder, My Second Act

Considering that men and women comprise the world's population almost equally, men's day too should be celebrated with equal gusto. The noises around the Women's day celebration all seem to be about reiterating woman empowerment and self-belief. Men's day should really be celebrated too - and should be about men extending support to men and women, and getting rid of gender biases. When these qualities are celebrated, it will ensure that this becomes a basis of measurement for men.

Saraswathi Laxman, Communication Professional

Oh! Is there an International Men’s day!!!

Yoshita Swarup Sharma, Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Co-founder ReadyToAscend

It is time for men all over the world to champion the cause of women's empowerment if they want a world that is of balance, peace, and love. The aeons of female subjugation have to be put right! Why did no one question men when the world operated as a men's world for centuries? This is just one day of the year and all it does is bring focus on some key issues that have been ignored over the years. It builds space for dialogue and sparks much-needed reforms covering 50% of humanity. How can we begrudge that?

Annu Kalra, Author, Artist & Guide

Men celebrate all year around…what does a celebration entail? Hanging with friends, downing some beer, having fun…men do this every chance they get. Plus overall they don’t suffer from any persecution complex where they feel the need to come together and establish a sense of kinship. They look out for each other all the time. You’d be surprised how they keep each other’s secrets. No man will snitch on another man about his nefarious activities, they will support each other no matter what. Women, on the other hand, will judge their closest friends and even fall out if they disapprove in principle or have some scores to settle. Hopefully, things are now changing, at least as women get older they start looking out for each other. Also, men are not too good at organizing stuff, celebrating on a particular day in a particular manner would require some organizing!

Shalu Bhuchar, Certified Emotional Intelligence and Life coach, OD Practitioner and Consultant

Because the people who made both these days have nothing better to do. Life – and both genders – need to be celebrated on a moment to moment basis. Not once a year. I remember the days when the only days you had to label celebrate were birthdays and anniversaries. every other day was otherwise a celebration of life, of joy, of love. And then came Valentine's Day, Boss's Day, what-have-you day. It is these labels that not just divide people, races, genders from each other but also deepen those chasms. At a time like this when the world is pitting one against the other, I’m pretty sure celebrating or even thinking about men’s day and women’s day are fairly low on the priority scale for most people today. 

Vandana Saxena Poria, Entrepreneur and Talent Ecosystem Expert

Do you realise that 80% of history has been written by men, about men, 80% of legislation, religion and scientific advancement, has also been written by men and about men? For most of history, there has been this huge emphasis on the male point of view. It is not good or bad, it just IS. For example, do you know that women only got the vote in England 100 years ago? Until then, we did not have a say in anything of national interest! So to me, it absolutely makes sense to have a special date that celebrates women and reminds the world of what women can add to the equation of life. If businesses were run on the same values that women nurture their families, I believe we would have a fundamentally different world - one that would be far happier and more nurturing.

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