
Work Life Balance

To achieve work life balance we need to implement such a system in our lives that will support this harmonious dance between our personal and professional affairs. We are so caught up in a flurry of activities that we completely forget to live. While it is important that our professional life has focus, we should also include a purpose for how we lead our personal lives. So many people are stuck in a rut like hamsters running around in circles without the ability to live this life in the way that is truly enjoyable. This has led to so much mental anguish in the form of stress and anxiety. A solution for this imbalance lies in the practice of spirituality. 

Take care of your body

When you are in the best health physically you will be able to accomplish all your tasks in an efficient manner. Physical well being directly impacts your mental health which influences your productivity and creativity no matter in which field your work lies. A strong and healthy body will also help you generate positive thoughts that allow you to lead a peaceful life. To achieve this you will need to employ the help of yoga asanas. Asanas or physical postures can strengthen the body; increase flexibility, improve stamina, and build immunity. Whether you choose yoga or any other physical exercise like walking, running, or swimming ensure that you are providing this nourishment for your own health. 

Mind your thoughts

 A peaceful existence is determined by the quality of your thoughts. More often than not it is our own thinking that can spoil our mental peace. A good starting point to cultivate mindfulness with your thinking will come from compartmentalising work life and your personal life. Avoid thinking of your personal affairs while you are working and vice versa. Doing this will ensure that you are able to do your work productively and also enjoy your personal life without any disturbances. 

Stay strong emotionally

Spiritual practices help you to become a master of your own emotions. While it is impossible to avoid difficulties in this human life the practice of spirituality builds patience and a strong sense of faith within you. It is with this faith that you can hope for a brighter tomorrow and continue doing your part in making your life beautiful. Spiritual practices leads us towards being more accepting of circumstances and also learning to let go of what does not serve us. 

Respect everybody

Spirituality teaches the importance of staying humble and respecting everyone that we meet. Oftentimes we get so caught up with our own self that we forget to give respect where it is due. Through the power and teachings of spirituality we begin to learn lessons in humility and gratitude. And it is the virtue of gratitude that opens more opportunities for us that can help us grow and achieve our highest potential in this lifetime. 

Work on perfection

Regardless of what you do in this life make sure that you finish everything that you begin. Do not leave things half done or do them half heartedly. This quality of seeking perfection in everything is sure to take you towards your goals and dreams. For example as a child when you wrote your exams you were awarded minimum marks even if your answer was not completely correct but if your handwriting was pleasing and perfect. On the other hand even if your answer was completely accurate but your handwriting was illegible then it would be difficult for the teacher to understand what you have written and hence you may lose marks over it. Therefore whether you take up cooking, painting or any other task try to accomplish it to the best of your ability. This will bring a harmonious balance in everything that you do and also help you manage both work and your personal life in a comfortable way.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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