
Yoga And Well-Being For Health Benefits

Yoga has a holistic approach to health and well being. It includes many different practices like physical postures, pranayama, meditation, mudras, philosophy etc. Yoga targets all the aspects of overall health such as mental, physical, and spiritual health. Because of this holistic approach you can ensure that development will be all rounded and not one dimensional.

Yoga is a proven method for good health

Yoga is an ancient practice that has its origins about 5000 years ago. While this exact date of its origin might be under discussion there is no doubt that yoga is a divine practice that has been passed down through the ages by spiritual leaders and practitioners. Whether it is ailments of the body, mind or spirit, yoga approaches each aspect scientifically and offers solution that is permanent and not just a temporary cure. Yoga addresses lifestyle disorders like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular problems and even issues such as eating disorders and addictions.

Good health bring good results in work

Health is truly the only worthy investment in this life because without health you will not be able to achieve anything. No matter what work we do it matters that the mind be stable and resilient. When we are in good health the mind is also at ease and we can contribute better to whatever task that we perform. Without health we will always be disturbed in the mind and distracted unable to focus and give our 100%.

Peace of mind

Yoga builds discipline and when we are able to live a discipline life we gain focus. If you want to enjoy this life what you need is a peaceful state of being and this means being devoid of any kind of stress or anxiety.  Practicing yoga techniques like pranayama and meditation can definitely help one to gain more clarity of mind for better decision making. Discipline and clarity are essential factors in order to know what is important in your life.

Unity with family

Yoga helps you to build a better relationship with yourself this is because the true objective of yoga is union with one self as well as union with a higher state of consciousness. When you are able to connect with yourself in an authentic fashion you will also be able to look at the world through the eyes of love and understanding. Yoga promotes oneness and because of this philosophy we can start learning to live with people and other wonderful beings in peace and harmony. This will ultimately lead to unity not just in our own families but also make a united world.

Understanding about life and purpose

Without a clear sense of purpose it is very easy to fall prey to negative emotions, thoughts, behaviour, and action. Having a dream or a goal that you want to achieve in this life will fill you with a sense of purpose. This purpose will ensure that you spend your time productively without any negative distractions. When the mind is engaged or occupied in pursuing any goal in a single- minded way, then the body will also be healthy and support you in this pursuit.  


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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