
5 Yoga Poses For Couples

We can find an increasing number of people who are taking up yoga. This is mainly because yoga is a wonderful science for well being and can help you to release stress and anxiety that accumulates in your day to day life. Yoga is an ancient and holistic art of wellness with many physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. This is an ideal practice for couples who want to build their relationship and work on a harmonious union.

Strong motivation

 Yoga is a creative way to build a connection with your partner. It develops qualities such as trust, intimacy, and understanding. The best part about practicing yoga with your loved one is that even if you are not feeling motivated on any given day you have a partner to push you into your practice. In this way yoga can become a very powerful incentives and motivate both of you to work on your health and overall well being.

Stronger connection

A strong bond is built when you practice yoga regularly as you begin to understand each other better body mind and soul.  This can be an effective way to develop compatibility and to also explore one another in a fun and light hearted manner.

Try these following poses with your partner, holding each asana for 30 seconds and repeating for 3 sets. Along with strengthening the love with your partner, you are to also focus on your breath. Connect with your partner through breathing as you align your inhalation and exhalation together. This non-verbal communication will create more harmony and bring peace into your relationship.

Yoga Asanas

1.    Prapadasana (Tip Toe Pose)

Formation of the Posture

·  Begin in Malasana or Vajrasana

·  Bring your feet together to slowly lift your heels off the floor.

· Balance your body on your toes and keep your back straight.

·  Bring your palms together and focus in between your eyebrows.

·  Stay in this pose breathing for 10-20 seconds

· To come out of this pose, bring your heels down and come back to Malasana

· Repeat for 3 sets

2. Vrikshasana

Formation of the posture

·  Begin in Samasthithi.

·  Lift your right leg off the floor and balance your  weight on your left leg

·  Place your right foot on your lift inner thigh as close to your groin as possible.

·  Support your foot with your palms to bring it in place.

·  After you find your balance, join your palms in Pranam Mudra at your heart chakra.

· Raise your Pranam towards the sky.

· Straighten your elbows and ensure that your head is in between your arms.

· Repeat the same with the alternate leg

· Hold this asana for 30 seconds

Breathing Methodology Inhale and exhale gently in the posture

3. Chakrasana


·  Fold your legs at your knees and ensure that your feet are placed firmly  on the floor

·  Place your palms next to your ears, with fingers pointing forward

· Inhale, put pressure on your palms and legs and lift your entire body up  to form an arch

·  Allow your head to fall gently behind and keep your neck relaxed

·  Keep your body weight evenly distributed between your four limbs

Breathing Methodology Inhale while lifting the body up

4. Padmasana

Formation of the posture

·  Sit in Ardha Padmasana with your right foot over your left thigh

·  Lift your left foot and place it on your right thigh facing up

· Pull your feet closer to your hips

· Drop your knees to the floor

· Place your palms on your knees facing up

· Hold the asana for a while

· Repeat with the other leg

Breathing Methodology Inhale and exhale gently in the posture

5. Vasishtasana

Formation of the posture

·   Begin with Santholanasan (Plank)

·  With your left palm firmly on the ground, remove your right hand off the floor

·  Turn your entire body to face the right side and lift your right leg off the floor and place  it over your left leg

·   Raise your right arm above and keep your fingers pointing to the sky

·   Ensure that both your knees, heels and feet are in contact with each other

·   Ensure that both arms and shoulders are in one straight line

·  Turn your head and look up at your right hand

·  Hold the asana for a while

· Repeat the same on the left side

Breathing Methodology Inhale while lifting the body up

Couples yoga lets two people relate better to one another through the shared practice of this divine science. Stretching along with your loved one increases your trust and strengthens your communication. This brings a positive effect on both the physical and mental health of your relationship.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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