Addressing Mental Health Issues

India as a nation has over 60 million people suffering from severe mental disorders. India holds the title of being the world’s suicide capital – witnessing over 2.6 lakh cases annually. With these alarming statistics, Dr. Mukesh Batra felt the need to create awareness and provide solutions to the increasing problems of mental and emotional health.  

This endeavour led him to write his 10th book published by Bloomsbury - ‘Feel Good. Heal Good. Staying Happy with Homeopathy’. The launch of this book is scheduled on Monday, 22nd April 2024, in Mumbai. The inauguration of his book will be followed by a panel discussion on how he overcame emotional challenges in his life. 

With this book it goes without saying that there will a huge spread of awareness even in the masses about mental disorders and how to prevent, diagnose or treat them. Dr. Mukesh Batra has a vision to help people suffering from mental health issues throughout their lives, and some don’t even know that they are mentally ill. 

Dr. Batra uses the tool of homeopathy in his new book to spread awareness and the benefits of homeopathy in curing mental health disorders. Much awaited, this book will surely bring a new perspective in people’s minds towards the idea of healing mental health issues.

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