
Does Digital Physiotherapy Work?

There is no denying that the world now lives and functions online. Services we would have never thought possible have also gone digital to serve the needs of a changing world. Could you ever imagine getting physiotherapy done digitally? Perhaps not, but the truth is you certainly can.

Physiotherapy, when applied correctly and promptly, can play a pivotal role in improving one’s quality of life. According to the WHO, musculoskeletal conditions affect 1.71 billion people globally and everyone knows friends or relatives who are suffering from chronic pain in some form or other. More often than not, patients don’t receive treatment at the right time due to ignorance or their own reluctance to visit a doctor, but with physiotherapy going digital, these problems can be addressed. Phyt.Health is a platform that is making a mark in this field.

“We believe physiotherapy can reduce surgeries, prevent reliance on painkillers and improve the overall wellbeing of people. Our mission is to make quality pain relief care accessible and affordable to everyone who needs it,” says Darpan Saini, CEO of Phyt.Health.

This AI-enabled physiotherapy provider promises to deliver better and more affordable care to patients, through a combination of online consultations and physical clinics. This dual approach is meant to give patients access to the best of both worlds. Saini believes their technology optimizes physiotherapists’ time, encourages patients’ adherence to their treatment plan, and provides a continuous therapist-patient engagement model. Though currently operating solely on the digital front, they will be opening their first physical clinic in March this year and plan to open 10 clinics by the end of the year.

When asked about the advantages of digital physiotherapy over the traditional kind, Saini says, “Physiotherapy is provided primarily through 1-1 sessions at physical centres, and this can lead to a poor experience for patients. This is because getting therapy at clinics is extremely inconvenient. A 45-minute therapy session typically requires 2 to 2.5 hours of total turnaround time factoring in the preparation and traffic. Also, unlike regular doctor consultations, therapy requires a patient to visit many days in a row. As a result many sessions are rescheduled or cancelled because it’s very hard for someone to fit physiotherapy into their schedule. Phyt.Health brings physiotherapy to the patient in the convenience of their home and helps them create better habits so they can stick to their treatment plans. Phyt.Health is also much cheaper than therapy in physical locations.”

Though an easier solution, it has been difficult for patients to change their mindset about the advantages of digital physiotherapy. Through concerted efforts, Phyt.Health is looking to change this. Their technology provides virtual, evidence-based care by using artificial intelligence to track rehab exercises with live feedback that does not depend on wearables. They instead utilize patients’ smartphone devices to engage in the physiotherapy cycle from home. Their services cost anywhere from INR 1500 to INR 7500 depending on the situation of the patient, and are available pan-India. They can be accessed from any mobile device or computer by visiting the Phyt.Health website.

There is no doubt that digital physiotherapy is indeed a feasible option, and perhaps the best way forward. New players on the market are vastly improving the state of healthcare by providing holistic solutions for patients through significant lifestyle changes. Ultimately, this is the most assured way to live a pain free life. The solution does not start or end with simple physiotherapy – whether online or off. It should go beyond that, so patients can continue to be pain free even after being discharged from physiotherapy.


Noor Anand Chawla

Guest Author Noor Anand Chawla is Head Digital Content and Marketing for ShowCase Events. She contributes feature articles to various publications and writes on her blog She can be found on Instagram @nooranandchawla

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