Harmonising Health By Exploring Nutrition's Vital Role

Experts talk about balanced nutrition and debunk myths for optimal energy and health at a recent panel discussion

At a dynamic panel discussion moderated by Ashdin Doctor, Habit Coach, focusing on the critical intersection of holistic nutrition and practice for optimal energy a diverse panel of experts spoke about several important myths regarding nutrition. The audience was in for an enlightening exploration of the importance of balanced macronutrients, micronutrients, hydration and overall health and vitality.

Balanced nutrition for vitality

Claudia Ciesla, Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach, Author, and Founder of Claudia’s Concept, emphasises the holistic approach to health, highlighting the interconnectedness of balanced nutrition, physical activity, emotional well-being and adequate sleep. She remarked, “Healthy lifestyle coaching is based on four pillars: balanced nutrition, physical activity, emotional well-being and adequate sleep. All these pillars are intimately interconnected and we have to take care of 360 degrees to be healthy.”

Shivoham, Celebrity Fitness Coach, Athlete, Master Trainer, Entrepreneur and Author, shed light on the significance of protein in one's diet, debunking common misconceptions. He elucidated, “Protein is the building block of life. It gets broken down into amino acids, responsible for everything from immunity to hormone regulation. Animal products are complete proteins, but vegetarians can obtain essential amino acids through a variety of plant foods.”

Navigating food choices

Ayesha Billimoria, Athlete, Athletics Coach and Founder of Athletics Lab and Project Fitgirl, highlighted the concerning statistic of protein deficiency in India, stressing the importance of adequate nutrition for overall well-being. She shared the fact that, “The Indian Market Research Bureau reported that protein deficiency in India is 80 per cent, which is alarmingly high.”

Navneet Malik, Actor & Fitness Icon, discussed his approach to nutrition, acknowledging the need for flexibility while pursuing fitness goals. He stated that, “As an actor, my diet varies based on roles. I focus on high protein and vegetables for a leaner body, while for endurance, I prioritise carbohydrates and hydration.”

Hydration and energy

Santosh K Pandey, Managing Director, Rejoa Energy Centre, spoke about the importance of hydration and energy balance, emphasising the need to understand individual body requirements. He further elaborated by saying, “Our body should be 80 per cent alkaline and 20 per cent acidic. Energy imbalances can arise from poor digestion and lifestyle habits. Aligning our food and energy cycles is crucial for optimal health.”

From debunking myths around protein to navigating dietary choices for performance, the panellists provided valuable insights into achieving holistic well-being through nutrition and mindful practices. This discussion took place at the BW Festival of Wellbeing Awards & Summit, 2024, which served as a platform for meaningful discourse, inspiring attendees to prioritise their health and vitality in pursuit of a balanced lifestyle.


Rajany Pradhan

BW Reporters The author is Principal Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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