
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Empowerment

The theme for the International Yoga Day 2024 is ‘Yoga for Self and Society’

The importance, significance and benefits of Yoga continue to gain recognition around the globe. People have understood and become aware of the fact that yoga helps align our mind, body and soul. A very traditional practice, yoga is the answer to many mental and physical health issues. The awareness of its benefits is tremendous and people are embracing it as a very important part of their lives.

The power of yoga

According to Danijela Radonic Bhandari (Dana), Integrative Wellbeing Counsellor, Founder at DanaVeda & Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher, “While numerous outside factors influence who we are, our true empowerment comes from within as a strong connection to our inner power, and it is not a state, but a continuous journey.” She emphasises that such a journey involves utmost dedication to self-discovery, development of our inner and outer strength, and deeper understanding and awareness of ourselves as we realise and live our purpose amongst all the challenges that life presents us with.

Dana adds that such a journey requires a pathway to tap into and further cultivate the strength and power in our physical body, mental abilities, emotional regulation, and spiritual connection. She strongly believes that “Yoga, which was conceived in India thousands of years ago with a profound aim to achieve unity (Sanskrit “Yuj”) with oneself and one’s inner power, the outside world, and the universal consciousness, still stands as the most comprehensive, universal practice and the pathway supportive of our utmost empowerment.”  

Yoga and holistic empowerment

Nidhi Thakur, Lead Yoga Teacher & Director at Ayushman Yog stated that, “Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024 with the theme "Yoga for Self and Society" highlights yoga's pivotal role in enriching lives.” According to her, specific practices such as Asanas, pranayama, meditation, etc. instil self-confidence, resilience, and inner peace and help people manage stress, improve overall health, and maintain a balanced lifestyle. She also mentioned that, “This special day emphasises how yoga empowers individuals to achieve their fullest potential, nurturing a sense of community and support. Embracing yoga leads to holistic well-being, blending ancient practices with modern needs to create a more empowered and harmonious world for people everywhere.”

Yoga has become very popular within the younger population as well. People want to experience the benefits of it as awareness levels of yoga rose manifold during the pandemic. People of all age groups, including teenagers have understood its positive effects on physical, mental and spiritual health.


Kavi Bhandari

BW Reporters Editorial lead — BW Wellbeing

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