"Holistic Health Is Always Going To Play An Important Role In One's Life" - Dr. Upasana Vohra

1. Your journey to becoming a renowned Ayurvedic doctor and hospital owner is truly inspiring. Could you share with us what initially drew you to Ayurveda?

Since childhood, I was very interested in Ayurveda. I always used to see my grandfather and father working, so it always came in my mind that I have to do something different in this field. I had thought that through Ayurveda I could cure chronic diseases. They don’t have to be dependent on medicines forever and this is the goal of my life.

2. How do you define holistic wellness, and why do you believe it's essential for overall well-being?

Holistic health is always going to play an important role in one's life. Health is not about their physical well being, If you are emotionally strong, mentally healthy, physically active then only you are healthy. So, Holistic term in Ayurveda itself defines the complete wellness of your body

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलक्रियाः।

प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थः इत्यभिधीयते ॥

This shloka describes the definition of Health as per Sushruta Samhita written by Sushruta, who is known as first surgeon. The three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in the body should be in balance. Digestive fire, metabolic process, body tissues, excretion process should work the way they are expected to.

3. Can you share a personal experience or journey where integrating holistic wellness practices significantly impacted your life or the life of someone you know?

Whether I talk about myself or my family, there has been a lot of change in our lives. Two things play very important roles in a person's life.

One is his diet i.e. his eating habits

Second Vihar means the one who works all day long. And only if I am healthy in every way then only I can give advice to anyone. I have dedicated my life to Ayurveda to bring change in people’s life

4. How do you address the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit when promoting holistic wellness?

In Ayurvedic philosophy, the concept of "srotas" refers to the channels or pathways that transport various substances throughout the body. Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing originating from India, emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, spirit, and senses. In Ayurvedic philosophy, the concept of "srotas" refers to the channels or pathways that transport various substances throughout the body.

Holistic biology of Ayurveda is based on Triguna, Tanmatra, Tridosh, Saptadhatu, Oja, Agni, Ama and Srotas. Srotas are the inner transport system of the body which provide platform for activities of other important bio-factors like three dosh, the seven dhatu, the oja, the agni etc.

5. As a prominent figure in holistic healthcare, what are your future goals and aspirations for both your practice and your platform?

My goal is clear, just as Arjun saw the eye of the fish. I can only see the faces of those people whose day starts by taking pills and ends with pills. I am focusing more on that disease where our modern medicine says that its treatment is not possible and one will have to take medicines for the whole life. I want to be that ray of hope in every person's life and help them get relief from their diseases. When a woman becomes victim of Freckles, Pigmentation she stops even looking at herself in the mirror and I am becoming a ray of hope for every woman and filling their life with light.

Ayurveda is a practice for me and I have decided to dedicate my life to it.

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