
How Cleansing The Energy Of One's Home Can Get Rid Of Life's Problems

Do you find yourself embroiled in some serious problems – whether professional or personal? Do you or your family members suffer from health issues on a frequent basis? Are you stuck in a never-ending property dispute or do you feel that your home or office is haunted? There are a number of reasons why your personal spaces could be in need of energy cleansing.

Take it from the expert, spiritual healer Anisha Dutt of Zariya Healings, who is a certified healing practitioner and spiritual healing consultant. She works with different modalities including Angel Tarot card reading, SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy), Law of Attraction, Vedic Astrology, Knot Magick, Family Constellations, Akashic Records Reading, Herbal Magick, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Reiki, Life Coaching, Power Life Symbols and Switch Words, Candle Magick Therapy, Spell Casting, Bach Flower Remedy and Crystal Therapy.

“I act as a Zariya or medium – a mirror that reflects the inner light of people, helping them heal themselves. My energy clearings work with the higher self to identify blocks to healing and clear out negative energy patterns and beliefs that are strongly embedded into one’s soul,” Dutt explains.

She asserts that it can seem hard to understand at first, but if one has faith, they are sure to experience the magic of energy clearing for themselves. Her clearings are customised based on clients’ individual needs, depending on what they want to focus on – whether it is their career, health, relationships, visa issues, protection from Covid-19, mental health issues, or money trouble.

Dutt has a degree in International Studies from the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, and also worked part time for a non-profit organisation. Despite her educational qualifications in other spheres, she felt drawn to the occult and knew she wanted to help people through her services.

This was why she trained in various modalities of spirit-based healing before beginning her practise. She is a certified SRT practitioner, has a Level 3 certification in Reiki, and has successfully completed courses on human design readings, life coaching, and astrology, among others. One can find all her certifications and services on her website However, more than her education, it is the faith her clients have in her and her own faith that guides her in her practice.

“I have always believed in higher powers since I was a teenager. But in my early 20s when I was struggling to make sense of everything that was happening around me, my mentor told me that the universe takes us to darker places to spread the light. It gave me solace at the time and that is when I found light in spirituality by starting Reiki and Tarot in 2012 and SRT in 2015. I have learnt many life lessons and my healing journey has made me stronger and allowed me to face many challenges. I continue to grow every moment,” she shares.

Coming specifically to the subject matter at hand – energy clearings for spaces, Dutt shares that all spaces have life force energy, and can affect our lives in various ways. Sometimes stubborn energies are stuck in spaces so people might have health issues, sometimes spaces are housing negative entities and one might not feel comfortable residing there, and other times a space is not able to let go of emotional attachments, making it difficult to sell.

If any of these problems are applicable to you, Dutt promises to help. She says, “I clear the negative energies by employing a distance healing protocol that is followed if one has the address and / or blueprint or pictures of the space. With this process, the space is not only cleared of the issue it possesses, but also becomes positive.”

She further adds, “I get clients who feel their house is not selling for a long time, or who can’t get their houses to go on rent. There are people who have constant ill health, and sometimes a major negative event has occurred in a space, and people want to get a white light energy healing or grah shanti clearing done to remove its effects. People come for various reasons. There are many ways to clear a space and make it positive.”

A look at some of the testimonials she has received is enough to convince people. A property that hasn’t sold for ten years, suddenly finds a good buyer and a great price; another property which was mired in legal problems, suddenly becomes free and can be put on rent. These are just some of the examples of energy cleansing of a personal space helping with life’s problems. Next time you feel stuck in a similar predicament, you know what to do!


Noor Anand Chawla

Guest Author Noor Anand Chawla is Head Digital Content and Marketing for ShowCase Events. She contributes feature articles to various publications and writes on her blog She can be found on Instagram @nooranandchawla

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