
How HR Policies Impact Physical Health And Overall Well Being

As per The Gallup Global Workplace Report 2024, the state of employee well-being in India exposes a startling reality

We are halfway through 2024 and I believe it’s safe to say that we’re all either having to adjust or learn the Gen Z way of a lifestyle especially when it comes to prioritising overall wellbeing along with achieving work objectives. Majorly propelled by the Great Burnout during the COVID era that introduced the world to health parameters beyond physical wellbeing. Offering the same to employees is not just a tick off the list that qualifies the company to be one of the best places to work at but also serves as a business imperative; the currency is satisfied employees, a low retention rate and resultantly a well-functioning HR department.  

As per The Gallup Global Workplace Report 2024, the state of employee well-being in India exposes a startling reality. The study reveals that 86 per cent of Indian employees are either ‘struggling’ or ‘suffering’ in their current roles. Further, it highlights that, “Globally, employee wellbeing declined in 2023 from 35 per cent to 34 per cent’ and the decline in 2023 was felt by younger workers under 35. Just reiterates the urgent need for companies to intervene and prioritize employee welfare whilst investigating the factors leading to the dissatisfaction.  

The Wellness Wheel and the Role of HR 

We cannot discuss wellbeing and not discuss that it comes with many categorisations; each serving as an important factor while drafting employee wellness strategy. 

While HR is at the forefront of leading this change and upgrading an organization’s policy foundationally, they must serve two of the important functions – 

  1. Advocacy – Build an importance and awareness with the management about the need to invest in overall wellbeing of an employee and that it’s pertinent to the organizational success. That it must be built in the core of the organization’s policy so as to achieve retention, engagement, productivity and ace performance.  

  1. Implementation – Once there’s acceptance, build an HR policy that weaves all the core elements of holistic health and wellbeing and implement those. Ensure that they include active listening, employing feedback mechanisms, team building activities and encouraging open communication.  


Essential HR guidelines to ensure employee wellbeing 

While curating the organization’s policies, the HR leaders must include proactive wellness programs. By instilling flexible work arrangements and offering mental health support systems, they can imbibe a supportive and a healthy workplace. Some other tools to do this are – 

  • Open communication – Urge people to have an open dialogue, make them feel heard and make them comfortable to address issues 

  • Analytical tools - Ensure a culture of inviting people to participate in surveys, study their responses and work on their issues, imbibe a culture of active feedback mechanisms 

  • Empathy – Psychological safety is an unmissable factor in today’s time for leaders. Discuss and educate them so they can extend it to their teams and make everyone feel respected. 

  • Training & Development – Train leaders and managers to be inclusive, evolve with the changing times and protect their teams. Train them to be more relevant & human so they can foster a supportive environment. 


In a nutshell

HR policies are the root and are at the core of employees’ overall wellbeing. They are the bridge between the employees and the organisation to ensure overall success. They are the bridge between different demographics, expertise, hierarchies, and diversities within an organisation. By building a workplace that fosters holistic well-being, HR leaders serve as that important keystone that ensures everyone feels valued to bring their A-game to work while living full lives. 



Ranjini Chakraborty

Guest Author Director HR, Giesecke & Devrient MS India Pvt. Ltd.

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