
How To Use Metaphysics To Attract Financial Abundance In Your Life

The bestselling book ‘The Secret’, extolled the virtues of the ‘law of attraction’ when it first came out seventeen years ago. Since then, its simple and effective teachings have caught the attention of many. The law of attraction technically falls under the subject of metaphysics which is based on the premise that humans are a source of energy, with the power to create good and bad events based on their thoughts and intentions. It is a powerful belief that the universe creates and provides for you that which your thoughts are focused on.

Sahil Kothari, Life Coach and Founder of Sahil Kothari Training and Consultancy, has been a practitioner and advocate of the law of attraction and using metaphysics to attract abundance in one’s life for over seven years.

His training and consultancy service offers skills and courses that enable people to achieve their biggest goals and dreams. Since its launch, his institute has amassed a loyal follower base with courses offered on face reading, Usui reiki, psychology, healing, spirituality, and KP astrology, among others. Based in Kolkata, the institute mainly conducts classes online through Zoom sessions with lifetime access to notes and recordings on the topic of study. Between lockdowns, they also organized on-ground events such as a three-day live Vastu workshop in Delhi at the Crowne Plaza Hotel earlier this year. His institute is also planning to expand the services on offer by introducing apps in the play store and IOS app store soon.

Kothari explains, “The correct usage of the law of attraction can make you attract the wealth you need. The first way to do this is to identify your limiting beliefs about money which you have internalized over time and accepted to be true. One way to address any limiting beliefs about money is through the use of positive affirmations. The second is to visualize your wealth as if you’ve already achieved it. The third is to feel grateful and pretend that you are already living your dream life. By following these methods, you will witness some truly life-transforming events.”

By its very nature, the law of attraction can be applied anytime and in any sphere of life, whether personal or professional. One has to bear in mind that the law of attraction does not guarantee results, however, it does something even more unique - it makes you observant of all the beautiful opportunities that enter your life when you use the law correctly. Your belief that the law of attraction is working for you should be very strong.

As an expert in the field, Sahil Kothari shares tips on accurately using metaphysics to attract financial abundance and prosperity. These are:

· Change your limiting mindset: Believe that money does grow on trees and that you hold all the potential to become a millionaire. Change the thoughts inside you and you will be able to change your life.

· Positive affirmations: Positive affirmations can help you challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes in every aspect of life.

· Be observant: Always be mindful of the events happening around you after using the techniques of the law of attraction since it is a hint provided by the universe on all the beautiful experiences it is about to give you.

· Visualisation: Visualise that you are sitting on a bench in a park and a rain shower of money is pouring down on your hands. Or you can visualize that you are opening your wallet and a bundle of thousand-rupee notes is lying there and you are extremely happy to see your pocket full of money.

· Use the 3:1 principle: For every negative thought you have about money, replace it with three positive thoughts. Never let any negative belief be inscribed in your subconscious mind.

· Enjoy the pretence of being rich: Pretend that you are already a millionaire and genuinely relish the feeling of having financial abundance in your life.

· Do not waste time: Utilize every second of the day in doing activities that add value.

· Surround yourself with rich people: Keep the company of people who are either rich or are striving to become so.

· Have strong intentions: Have very strong intentions on becoming financially abundant.

· Read books: Read all the books that will enhance your financial literacy.


Noor Anand Chawla

Guest Author Noor Anand Chawla is Head Digital Content and Marketing for ShowCase Events. She contributes feature articles to various publications and writes on her blog She can be found on Instagram @nooranandchawla

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